Manage edge cascading

To use Edge as a gateway to collect data and other features, you need to add the Edge in Edge Gateway > Edge Management and configure the appropriate communication parameters.

Get ready before you start

  • Edge administrative action authority is needed. if you don’t have it, need to contact the organization administrator to add the authority for you. For user rights within EnOS, see Policies, Roles, and Permissions.
  • Complete the creation of Edge models, products, and devices. See Device Management. The model name of the Edge model must be EnOS_Edge_Standard_Model, and the product name of the Edge product must be EnOS_Edge_Standard_Product.
  • Complete the creation of the edge cascading. See Create Edge Cascading.

Modify the edge cascading

Once the user has created the edge cascading relationship, they can manage it by modifying the configuration of the cascading. EnOS Edge provides modification methods for the following scenarios:

  • Modify the forwarding point for the edge cascading
  • Add new device to the child edge.

Modify the forwarding point for the edge cascading

  1. In Edge Management lists, select edge cascading devices that need to be modified.


    Expand the cascading connection to see the cascaded edge device, and the user can switch between the current and child edge by click View button.

  2. Click the right-hand Edit button of the device under the cascading connection of the parent edge to select the data points that the child edge forwards to the parent edge.

  3. Click the Publish button of the parent edge triggers the deployment of the parent and child edge cascading deployment.


    Publishing takes a few minutes, and the automatic publish of the child edge will be triggered when the parent edge is published.

Add new devices to child Edge

#. In Edge Management list, select the child Edge and follow the device access guide. #.

Switch to parent edge


Expand the cascading connection to see the cascaded edge device, and the user can switch between the current and child Edges by click the View button.

  1. Click the right-hand Edit button of the device under the cascading connection of the parent edge to re-pick the data points that the child Edge forwards to the parent edge.

  2. Click the Publish button of the parent edge triggers the deployment of the parent and child edge cascading deployment.


    Publishing takes a few minutes, and the automatic publish of the child edge will be triggered when the parent edge is published.

Delete the Edge cascading

Edge cascading does not support bulk deletion, the deletion needs to start with the bottom edge device. Currently, there are two ways to remove edge cascading:

  • In the Edge list, click the Delete button to remove one of the bottom edge devices.
  • On the Edge details page, click the Delete button to delete a cascading connection.

Delete Edge cascading from the Edge list

  1. In Edge Management list, select the lowest layer edge device.
  2. Click the Delete button on the right to trigger the deletion.

Delete Edge cascading from the Edge Details page

  1. In Edge Management list, select an edge device with a sub-edge.
  2. Click the View button on the right to go to the Edge details page.
  3. Select Access Management > Cascading, click the Delete button on the right side of the Cascading Connection to trigger the delete operation.