
This section introduces the major concepts for EnOS Edge.

Edge Gateway Device

Edge belongs to the gateway device in the IoT Hub. You need to register the gateway device in Dev Portal before using EnOS Edge.


A sub-device is the device connected through EnOS Edge.


A connection is the communication channel that links EnOS Edge with other devices or systems.

  • A connection can access data from a sub-device or a batch of sub-devices.
  • A connection uses a protocol to communicate with the device (or system).
  • EnOS Edge supports two kinds of connection:
    • Access connection
    • Forwarding connection

Device Template

A device template is a configuration file that maps the collection and control points of a device to the measurement points in the device model. Features of the device template are as follows:

  • Support mapping the collection and control points of a device to the measurement points in the device’s model.
  • Support light-weight computing formulas and Lua scripts that map collection and control points to model points.

Point Table File

The point table file is the point.xlsx file that contains the actual measuring point from assets in the protocol. Different point table files have different point table templates for download.


A protocol is a standard set of communication rules that allow devices to communicate with each other. Protocols can be classified as follows:

  • Standard protocol and private protocol
  • Access protocol and forwarding protocol
  • Application layer protocol and link layer protocol

Protocol Configuration File

A protocol configuration file is the parameter configuration file required by the protocol program. The protocol configuration file should be named as protocol.sys.

Protocol Document

A protocol document describes the protocol configuration instructions, usage methods, and other description items.

Model Point

A model point is the measurement point of the device model in the IoT Hub of EnOS Cloud. When the device is connected to the, the collection point and the control point are mapped to the model point. And applications read and write data through model points. A model point can be associated with both the collection point and the control point.

Device Collection Point

A device collection point is the actual measurement point measured from the sub-device and sent to EnOS Edge, such as wind speed and motor speed. The device collection point is defined in the point table template point.xlsx.

Types of device collection points are as follows:

  • AI: Analogous input
  • DI: Digital input
  • PI: Pulse input

Device Control Point

A device control point is the measurement point for cloud or third-party applications to order the sub-device through EnOS Edge, such as starting, stopping, and resetting the device. The device control point is defined in the point table template point.xlsx.

Types of device control points are as follows:

  • AO: Analogous output (any data types)
  • DO: Digital output (usually integer)