Quick Start: Plug-and-Play Onboarding

This section helps you quickly learn how to onboard and allocate a device to EnOS via the Device Provisioning Service using the plug-and-play (PNP) method.

About This Scenario

PNP is a method that can be used to onboard a device using the Device Provisioning Service. It involves the manufacturer applying the Device Provisioning Service’s connection information to a device before it is sold to clients, allowing clients to directly onboard the device to EnOS without any configuration needed on their side after receiving the device. PNP increases efficiency and convenience to the clients, as well as automates the manual deployment process of connecting devices.

About This Task

This task will configure and pre-register a Raspberry Pi in EnOS via the Device Provisioning Service. After successful onboarding and connecting, the device will be able to communicate with EnOS and send its data over.

This task has the following steps:

  1. Create a model.
  2. Configure a master data group.
  3. Configure a registration group.
  4. Register a device.
  5. Connect and allocate a device.


  • Ensure that you have registered a personal or business account with EnOS to access the EnOS Management Console.
  • Ensure the account has all the access for Asset and Model, and full access for Device Management Service. For more information, see Policies, Roles, and Permissions.
  • Ensure that your OU has purchased the Device Provisioning Service application.

Step 1: Create a Model

  1. Log in to the EnOS Management Console and select Models from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click New Model, enter the following in the New Model window, and click OK.

    • Identifier: raspberryPiModel
    • Model Name: Raspberry Pi Model
    • Category: None
    • Created From: No
    • Validate Model: Disabled
    • Description: Model for Raspberry Pi


The created model will appear in the list of models in the Models page.

Step 2: Configure a Master Data Group

  1. Select Device Provisioning Service > Master Data Group Management from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click New Master Data Group, enter the following in the New Master Data Group page, and click Save.

    • Name: Raspberry Pi Master Data Group
    • Description: Master data group for Raspberry Pi

  3. The created master data group will appear in the list of master data groups in the Master Data Group Management page. Click its View Details icon.

  4. Click Create Master Data > Create Custom Master Data, enter the following in the Custom Master Data window, and click OK.

    • Name: Size
    • Identifier: size
    • Data Type: int
    • Default Value: 0
    • Unit: Area: square centimeter | cm2
    • Required: No
    • Tags: DPS (key), MODEL (value)
    • Description: Size


The created master data will appear in the list of master data under Master Data Group Master Data.

Step 3: Configure a Registration Group

  1. Select Device Provisioning Service > Registration Group Management from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click New Registration Group, enter the following in the New Registration Group page, and click Save.

    • Basic Information

      • Registration Group: Raspberry Pi Registration Group
      • Master Data Group: Raspberry Pi Master Data Group
      • Reprovision Method: Reprovision and migrate configuration information
      • Description: Registration group for Raspberry Pi

    • Gateway Information

      • Gateway: IotHub
      • Model Type: Private
      • OU to Allocate: Select the environment the OU where the model created in Step 1 is located and the OU
      • Model: Select the model created in Step 1, which is the Raspberry Pi Model
      • Data Parsing Format: Json

    • Connection Information

      • Auto Device Allocation: Enabled

The created registration group will appear in the list of registration groups in the Registration Group Management page.

Step 4: Register a Device

  1. In the Registration Group Management page, find the registration group Raspberry Pi Registration Group created in Step 3 and click its View Details icon.

  2. Click the Device Information tab and click Register Device.

  3. Enter the following fields and click Register.

    • Registration Method: Manual Input
    • Device Serial No.: ELS0718
    • Batch Tag: 1

The registered device will appear in the list of devices under the Device Information tab.

Step 5: Connect and Allocate the Device

  1. Connect the device to EnOS by using the registration group’s credentials (Group ID and Group Secret) and the device’s serial number. For more information, see Configure and Connect the Raspberry Pi to EnOS.

  2. After successfully connecting, the device’s Connectivity Status will change from Not connected to Connected and Allocation Status will change from Not allocated to Allocated.

  3. The device will also appear in the list of devices in Device Management > Device Assets.
