
Converts a date/time (String) from one format to another.


Combine the parameters as a JSON structure as input.

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
inString Mandatory String The date/time to convert.
currentPattern Mandatory String The inString format.
newPattern Mandatory String The format to convert inString to.
locale Optional String
Locale for the returned date/time. For example, if locale is EN (English), and pattern is EEE d MMM yyyy, the returned result will be Thu 2000-04-13 01:45:33. If not specified, EN is used by default. The locales currently supported are:
  • EN: English
  • CH: Chinese
lenient Mandatory String
Checks the inString value.
  • true:Performs a lenient check. If the inString format does not match the currentPattern format, the date in the currentPattern format will be interpreted and returned. If the interpretation is incorrect, it will return an invalid date.
  • false:Performs a strick check. If the inString format does not match the currentPattern format, an exception will occur.

Return Values

Value Data Type Description
value String The inString date in the format as per specified in newPattern.


var format = tools.DateUtil.dateTimeFormat({"inString":"2021-04-01 05:13:02","currentPattern":"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss","newPattern":"EEE dd MMM YYYY hh:mm:ss","lenient":true,"locale":"EN"});
return, JSON.stringify(format));


"Thu 01 Apr 2021 05:13:02"