Starting and Stopping Remote Flows

Remote flows are created and designed in the cloud and exported to be deployed and run on-premise. This section shows how to start and stop remote flows.


Ensure that you have exported the remote flow. For more information, see Exporting as an Application Launcher.


The executable JAR file is a ZIP file containing the main JAR, component JAR, DSL configuration, and startup script. The startup script will verify the validity of the DSL configuration and whether the DSL matches the component JAR, start the launcher, and execute the flow if the verification is successful.

  1. Unzip the JAR file.

  2. Go to the config folder and open the application.yaml file. You can edit the siteName and siteIp as per required. The siteName and siteIp values will be shown in EnOS Management Console > Device Data Integration > Integration Agent page when the remote flow is successfully started and running.

  3. Go to the bin folder. There are four files inside.

  • Starts and runs the remote flow
Status in EnOS Management Console Run Results
  • Remote flow appears in Device Data Integration > Integration Agent with status as Online.
  • Runs the flow.
Online Runs the flow.
  • Runs the flow.
  • Status changes to Online.

  • Starts and runs the remote flow locally, usually for scenarios without internet connection
Status in EnOS Management Console Run Results
N/A Runs the flow locally, and does not appear in EnOS Management Console > Integration Agent.
Online Runs the flow locally, no online logs.
Offline Runs the flow locally, no change of status in EnOS Management Console.

  • Contains config information, will not perform any actions such as executing the flow.

  • Stops the flow
Status in EnOS Management Console Run Results
Online Stops the flow, and status will change to Offline after a few minutes once successfully stopped.
Offline Stops the flow if the flow is running locally.