Viewing Upgrade Details

You can view the firmware upgrade status from the upgrade details, and verify, batch upgrade, edit, and delete the firmware as needed.

This section shows how to view the upgrade details and perform the related operations.

Before You Start

Ensure you have completed Adding Firmware.


  1. Select Asset Management > OTA.

  2. Select Detail for the firmware you want to view

    Tab Page Description
    To be upgraded The devices to be upgraded. You may select Cancel Upgrade for such devices.
    In progress The firmware upgrade starts and the upgrade progress is reported to EnOS. At this point, you cannot cancel the upgrade.
    Success The devices whose firmware is upgraded successfully.
    Failure The devices that failed the upgrade and the reason for failure. You may select Re-upgrade.


The following list includes the common upgrade failure reasons that are listed in the Failure tab page.

  • Upgrade failure
  • Download failure
  • Verification failure
  • Burning failure

For more information, see Developing OTA Capabilities on Devices. The device developers should troubleshoot the errors according to the specific reason.


If you select batch upgrade when a batch upgrade task already exists, you can only modify the schedule for the task and are not allowed to add or delete firmware versions to be upgraded.

Next Steps

You can Verify the Firmware again and perform Batch Upgrading Firmware. For firmware that is no longer needed, you can Delete Firmware.