Message Integration

EnOS supports the following message integration scenarios.

Scenario 1: Devices are connected to the EnOS Cloud

In this scenario, the EnOS Cloud ingests the real-time data directly transmitted from devices.

Scenario 2: Devices are connected to a 3rd-party cloud

In reality, devices might already be connected to a 3rd-party cloud or system, for example, the system of the device manufacturer.

In this scenario, EnOS provides the following solutions.

  • Real-time data path: Forward the real-time data from the 3rd-party cloud to EnOS cloud. For more information, see Cloud-to-cloud Data Forwarding.
  • Historical data path: Integrating the historical data from the 3rd-party system to EnOS through the same channel as the real-time data, i.e. to ingest historical data into IoT Hub through MQTT protocol.

Among the above scenarios, regardless of which path you choose for device connection and data ingestion, data can be routed to the stream analytics engine, alert agent, and different datastores through the rule engine and your configured storage policies. The data can then be used by other services or applications.

Find out more from the links below.