Verifying Firmware

After adding a new firmware, you should select one or multiple firmware versions and batch upgrade them to test whether the new firmware versions can be pushed to the devices and whether the firmware can be upgraded. This is to avoid any loss caused by batch upgrading the wrong firmware.


EnOS only provides the message channels for verification. Developers will need to verify whether the firmware can be pushed to the device and whether the upgraded device can operate properly.

This section shows how to batch verify device firmware. You can only batch upgrade verified firmware. You cannot start a new upgrade task for a device if the device is being upgraded.

Before You Start

  • Ensure that you have completed Adding Firmware.
  • Ensure that the device has reported its firmware version and deviceKey to EnOS.


  1. Select Asset Management > OTA.

  2. Identify the firmware to be verified, and click Verify. Select the version number to be upgraded and the deviceKeys of the device of the selected firmware version. If any verification was performed previously, the results of the latest verification will be displayed. Click Re-verify, and a window will pop up for you to enter the version number to be upgraded and the deviceKeys.

    Fields Description
    Version numbers to be upgraded A list of the version numbers reported by the devices. If no version is reported by the devices, the message No version number is reported by the devices is displayed.
    DeviceKey The deviceKey of the devices of the version numbers you selected. You can select at most 5 devices to verify each time.
  3. Click Verify to start verification.

    Fields Description
    deviceKey The deviceKey of the device to be verified.
    Upgrade status For devices that have not received a firmware push, the status is To be upgraded. For devices that are being upgraded, the status is In progress. For devices that have completed an upgrade, the status is Upgraded successfully or Upgrade failure.
    Cancel upgrade For devices to be upgraded, you can click Cancel Upgrade to cancel the firmware upgrade task. For devices whose status is not To be upgraded, you cannot cancel the upgrade.


The devices that you chose to verify may be upgraded successfully or fail to be upgraded. Both results will render the status of the firmware to Verified. You can select Re-verify, and then select the version numbers to be upgraded and the deviceKeys for re-verification, or select OK to finish the verification.


  • If there is any device to be upgraded, selecting Re-verify would cancel the existing firmware upgrade task. To restart the disrupted task, select the same firmware version again in the pop-up window after selecting Re-verify, and re-select the devices whose upgrade was just canceled. You can also include the devices that failed to be upgraded.
  • After upgrading, the developer should verify whether the device can function properly.