Batch Upgrading Firmware

You can create a batch upgrade task for a verified firmware, specify the upgrade strategy and methods, and start to push the upgrade requests. This section shows how to batch upgrade firmware.

Devices that are undergoing firmware upgrade cannot perform new firmware upgrade tasks.

Provide the following configurations for a batch upgrade task.


EnOS supports both snapshot and incremental upgrade strategies.

  • Snapshot: For devices that have reported firmware version and fall into a closed upgrade list. Only the devices on this list will be upgraded and any devices added later will not receive new firmware push even if they meet the upgrade requirements.
  • Increment: For devices that have reported firmware version and fall into an open upgrade list. Any devices added later that meet the upgrade requirements are included into the open list. The list of devices to be upgraded changes dynamically.


You can select cloud forced push or upon device request.

  • Cloud forced push: EnOS maintains the list of devices to be upgraded according to the upgrade policy, and pushes the upgrade requests to devices as per the upgrade sequence. If the devices are online, they will receive the upgrade request and start upgrading. If the devices are offline, they will receive the upgrade request after reconnection.
  • Upon device request: EnOS maintains the list of devices to be upgraded, and judge whether a device falls in the scope of upgrade when the device sends an upgrade request. If yes, an available firmware version will be pushed to the device. The upgrade process will start after the device confirms to upgrade to this version.


You can select different schedules or time ranges for cloud forced push. The upgrade is allowed only within the selected schedule, and no upgrade request will be pushed outside the schedule. The minimum schedule interval allowed by EnOS is 30 minutes.

Before You Start


  1. Select Asset Management > OTA.
  2. Select Batch Upgrade for the firmware to be upgraded.
  3. In the pop-up window, enter the following:
Fields Definition
Firmware Version You can select one or more version numbers to be upgraded.
Strategy You can select Snapshot or Increment.
Scope If you need to upgrade all the devices of the selected version, select All devices. If you want to upgrade only some of the devices, select Target devices.
Filter Available when Target devices is selected. You can filter the devices to be upgraded by deviceKey, tag, attribute, and asset tree.
DeviceKey Available when the filter Specify device key is selected. You can enter the device key to filter devices.
Tag Available when the filter Specify device tag value is selected. You can filter devices by tag and tag value.
Attribute Available when the filter Specify device attribute value is selected. You can filter devices by attribute name and value.
Asset tree Available when the filter Specify asset tree is selected. You can select devices based on the root nodes of the OU and the parent nodes under the root nodes. If the root nodes or parent nodes themselves are also devices, they will fall into the upgrade scope. If you want to specify the devices of the underlying child nodes, use their deviceKey. A maximum of 5 asset trees can be selected.
Upgrade method Includes cloud forced push and upon device request. If you filter devices by deviceKey, tags, attributes or asset trees for specific devices, only “Cloud Forced Push” is available.
Schedule 24 hours by default. EnOS Cloud only pushes upgrade request within the schedule.

4. Select Confirm to start the batch upgrade process.


In OTA, select Detail to enter the upgrade details page. Next, click the Success or Failure tab page to view the results of the batch upgrade. See Viewing Upgrade Details.

Next Step

You can delete the firmware after an upgrade. See Deleting Firmware.