Quality Assessment Rule Templates

EnOS Data Quality has accumulated a set of rule templates based on Domain Know-How. With these, application users only need to enter the relevant information into the template to complete the configuration of quality assessment rules.

Out Of Range Template

You need to enter the following information for the Out of Range template:

Threshold Type Description and Examples Required Actions Notes
Fixed Threshold When the data of the monitoring object exceeds the set fixed threshold, the data is out of range. Select an operator in the Threshold Condition column and enter the value in the input field. For example, if the fixed threshold is 100 and the threshold condition is > 100, when the data value of the monitoring object is greater than 100, the data is out of range. None
Dynamic Threshold For different monitoring objects under the same monitoring group, using only one fixed threshold to judge the data values of all measurement points is sometimes insufficient. If required, you can create a quality dimension table using device attributes as variables to dynamically define threshold conditions. For an example, consider a wind turbine model that includes wind turbine devices with different rated powers. Using a fixed value to judge whether the power of the device exceeds the threshold does not meet the actual requirements. In this case, you can set the dynamic threshold condition to > {ratedPower}*2, when the rated power of the device is greater than twice the rated Power model attribute, the data sent by the device is judged to be out of range. Select an operator in the Threshold Conditions column and enter the value or expression in the input field, or enter the default value.
  • Please ensure that the selected attribute is configured in the quality dimension table before entering the expression.
  • The dynamic threshold needs to be expressed in the format of ${attribute value}.
  • Operators supported by expressions: addition +, subtraction -, multiplication *, division /, parentheses (), for example, ${attribute1}+${attribute2}*2/3.
  • If the expression entered does not conform to the specification or the attribute value is null: If the default value is entered at this time, whether the data exceeds the limit will be determined according to the default value; if the default value is not entered, the data cannot be evaluated, and the data is valid by default.


When the dimension table and attributes are linked to the quality assessment rule, if the dimension table and attributes change, the dynamic threshold condition configured for the quality assessment rule will not be affected. The asset administrator can synchronize the existing configuration in the dimension table by reconfiguring the dimension table and attributes for the quality assessment rule.

When two threshold conditions are configured:

  • And: Represents the “and” relationship between two conditions. This rule needs to meet two threshold conditions at the same time to be considered out of range.
  • Or: Represents the “or” relationship between two conditions. This rule only needs to meet one of the threshold conditions to be considered as out of range.

Missing Data Template

You need to enter the following information for the Missing Data template:

Evaluation Type Required Actions and Their Meanings Data Completeness Rate Calculation Formula
Frequency Enter a positive integer in the Data Reporting Frequency input field (the value range is 1-86400), which means “send data every x seconds”.
  • Daily point reporting quota = 24 hours/Data reporting frequency (rounded up if not divisible).
  • Completeness rate = (Actual points sent per day/Daily point reporting quota)*100%.
Cycle Select a period in the Evaluation Cycle drop-down list, which represents “conducting statistical analysis for a period of x”. If there is data reported within this period, no data is considered missing. Currently, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 6 hours are supported as evaluation cycles.
  • Total number of cycles per day = 24 hours/Evaluation Cycle.
  • Completeness rate = (Number of completed cycles per day/Total number of cycles per day)*100%.

Stuck Data Template

You need to enter the following information for the Stuck Data template:
  • Stuck Points: Enter a positive integer. If the number of Stuck Points is set to m, if n (n≥m) consecutive points have the same data, the m-n+1 points from the mth point to the nth point will be considered invalid points.

    For example, in Scenario 1, the number of Stuck Points is set to 4, and the data of 6 consecutive points is the same, so the stuck data occurs at the 4th, 5th, and 6th points.


    For example, in Scenario 2, the number of Stuck Points is set to 4, and the data of 4 consecutive points are identical, so a stuck point occurs at the 4th point.


    For example, in Scenario 3, the number of Stuck Points is set to 4. This time, if the data of 3 consecutive points is the same, no stuck data will occur.


  • Description: Enter a description for the rule.

Jumped Data Template

You need to enter the following information for the Jumped Data template:

  • Threshold Type: Select Fixed Threshold or Dynamic Threshold.
  • Threshold Conditions: For the selection and configuration of Fixed Threshold and Dynamic Threshold, see the explanation in Out of Range Template.

Delayed Data Template

You need to enter the following information for the Delayed Data template:

  • Delay Duration: Enter a positive integer and select a time unit. This number means “Time when the message arrives at EnOS Cloud - Device timestamp > Configured delay duration”, it is regarded as delayed.
    • When the unit is Minute(s), the value range that can be entered is 1-1440.
    • When the unit is Second(s), the value range that can be entered is 1-86400.
  • Description: Enter a description for the rule.

Future Timestamp Template

You need to enter the following information for the Future Timestamp template:

  • Preceding Duration: Enter a positive integer and select a time unit. This number means “Device timestamp - Time when the message arrives at EnOS Cloud > Configured preceding duration”, the timestamp of data is considered to be a future timestamp. The default device timestamp is later than the time when the message arrives at EnOS Cloud.
    • When the unit is Minute(s), the value range that can be entered is 1-1440.
    • When the unit is Second(s), the value range that can be entered is 1-86400.
  • Description: Enter a description for the rule.