Configuring OU Settings

This article introduces how OU administrators configure OU settings including changing OU administrators, customizing LOGO and footer information, and configuring display languages for the OU in the Admin Console of Application Portal.

Changing OU Administrator

  1. Select OU Configuration from the left navigation pane of the Admin Console.
  2. Select Change Administrator and search by username or email address to transfer the OU administrator permission to another user in the OU.
  3. Select Submit.

Configuring Display Languages

  1. Select OU Configuration from the left navigation pane of the Admin Console.
  2. In the Language Settings section, select Edit.
  3. Select the languages available for the OU and select Submit. Application Portal supports the following languages:
    • Simplified Chinese
    • English
    • Japanese
    • Spanish
    • Japanese
    • Polish

After finishing the steps above, you can select the username on the top right corner, and select Switch Language from the dropdown list to change the display language of Application Portal.