Exploring EnOS Application Portal

This article introduces the pages and components of EnOS Application Portal.

Exploring the Application Frontend of Application Portal

After logging in, OU Users or OU administrators can view the Application Frontend page as below.

Exploring New Navigation


The components of the new Application Portal navigation are shown below.

Component Description
Shortcut menu A customizable shortcut entry of specified menus. Select to open the menu on the Shortcut Menu box. You can select the plus icon (+) to add the menus you opened frequently for a quick access.
Recently visited menu A menu recently visited by users. Select to access the menu you recently visited. You can select the down-arrow icon to expand the list of recently visited menus.
Application category A list of application categories. Select to filter the applications on the left navigation pane by application category.
Application name An application under the specified category. Select to expand or collapse application menus.
Application menu A tag of application menu. Select to access corresponding application menus.

Exploring Old Navigation


The components of the Application Frontend page are shown below.

Component Description
Top Toolbar A toolbar displaying Logo, Admin Console button, notification button, and user name. Select the user name can expand the setting menu.
Navigation Pane A navigation pane displaying application names, menus, and footer information. Select the application name to expand the application list.
Application Page An area displaying the page of a specified application.

Application Portal Setting Menu

Select the user name on the top toolbar of the Application Frontend page to open the following setting menu.


The components of the shortcut menu are shown below.

Component Description
User Information Display the username and email address of the current user.
Change Enterprise Change the current OU.
Switch Language Switch the display language of Application Portal.
System Theme Change the color theme of Application Portal navigation pane and pages, supporting dark, bluish green, and black and white.
Change Password Change the password of the current user.
Logout Log out the current user.
New/Old Navigation Switch the the new or old style of Application Portal navigation.
Administrator View the username and email address of the OU administrator.

For more information on the operation of the Application Frontend of Application Portal, see OU User.

Exploring Admin Console of Application Portal

  • OU administrator or sub-administrator can select the Admin Console from the top toolbar to open the following Admin Console page.


  • System administrator can open the following Admin Console page after logging in.


The components of the Admin Console page are shown below.

Component Description
Top Toolbar Display menu switch button, LOGO, the current OU, help button and user information.
Navigation Pane Display the menu of the Admin Console.
Admin Console Page Display the page of the Admin Console.

For more information on the operation of the Admin Console of Application Portal, see OU Administrator and System Administrator.