Managing Custom Page Configuration

Alarm Management supports the configuration of custom pages. The configured pages are used as tabs on the alarm details page (including Active Alarm and Alarm Log) to display alarm-related data.


  • Support the configuration of the Alarm Log page to display alarm data specific to elevator-typed devices under the Building-typed site.
  • The Causes and Monitoring page are currently only available for specific scenarios. If you need to configure these pages, contact the system administrator.


Before starting, make sure the current account has been assigned the menu group containing Alarm Config. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.

Creating a Custom Page

  1. Select Alarm Config in the left navigation bar to access the Custom Page Configuration tab.

  2. Select New and enter the following information in Basic Information:

    • Configuration Name: Enter the name of the page configuration.
    • Page Name: Select the display name of the custom page to be displayed as a tab on the alarm details page. Currently Alarm LogCauses and Monitoring are supported.
  3. Enter the following information in Page Settings:

    • Custom Field: select Add Field, enter the custom fields displayed on the page in Field Name, and enter the related fields of the interface in Mapping Field.
    • List Field: select Add Field, enter the fixed fields displayed in the form in Field Name, and enter the related fields of the interface in Mapping Field.
    • URL: To display the recorded video on the Monitoring page, add a link of the video.


    Custom Field and List Field currently only available for the Alarm Log page.

  4. Select Save to create the configuration of the custom page.

After the Alarm Log page is configured, the related alarm data of the elevator-typed device under the Building-typed site can be viewed on the alarm details page.

Editing a Custom Page Configuration

  1. Select Alarm Config in the left navigation bar and select the Custom Page Configuration tab.
  2. Select Edit in the corresponding page configuration row.

Deleting a Custom Page Configuration

  1. Select Alarm Config in the left navigation bar and select the Custom Page Configuration tab.
  2. Select Delete in the corresponding page configuration row. The page configuration cannot be restored once deleted.