EnOS Edge Product Models

EnOS Edge has various product models with different capabilities that are suitable for different scenarios and requirements. To see which model best suits your business needs, refer to the table below.

EnOS Edge Product Models
Product Model Category Applicable Scenarios Features
Edge Logger Light-weight gateway

Light-weight IoT device connectivity and edge computing scenarios:

  • Distributed photovoltaic powerplants
  • Small-sized wind farms
  • Energy storage for commercial and industrial buildings, and industrial parks
  • ARM-based
  • Cost-effective
Edge Gateway Mid- or large-scale gateway

IoT device connectivity and edge computing scenarios:

  • Centralized photovoltaic powerplants
  • Mid- or large-sized wind farms
  • Large buildings, industrial parks, and smart cities
  • Based on the ARM or X86 architecture
  • Devices are widely accessed
  • lightweight edge computing
Edge Extensive Distributable smart edge computing platform

Local edge computing scenarios that require:

  • Mid- or large-scale multi-site monitoring, alert management, control, and data analysis
  • Micro-grid edge computing
  • X86-based
  • Distributed deployment