Connecting EnOS Edge and Sub-devices to EnOS

EnOS Edge supports the following deployment modes.

  • Deploying Edge on the cloud
  • Deploying Edge locally

Before You Start

Ensure that you have applied for an EnOS OU account. For more information, contact the infrastructure implementing personnel.

Step 1: Deploying EnOS Edge

Deploying Edge on the Cloud

  1. Log in to apply for Cloud Edge according to your environment:

    You will receive an email notification if your application succeeds.

  2. Deploying Cloud Edge: This is done by a deployment personnel.

Deploying Edge Locally

  1. Prepare the hardware according to Recommended Hardware for Running EnOS Edge.
  2. Deploying the Edge locally: This is done by a deployment personnel.

Step 2: Provisioning EnOS Edge

  1. Create a product for the EnOS Edge on the EnOS Management Console. The model must be the public model EnOS_Edge_Standard_Model. The product must be named “EnOS_Edge_Standard_Product”, with Gateway as the type. For more information, see Creating a Product.
  2. Register a device for EnOS Edge. For more information, see Registering a Device.
  3. Create the models and products, and register devices for the sub-devices of the Edge. For more information, see Creating a Model.

Step 3: Connecting EnOS Edge and Sub-device

Perform the following to connect EnOS Edge and its sub-devices to EnOS Cloud.

Create and Configure Templates

A template maps the control and collection points of a device to the measurement points in its standard model. It can be reused by any device of the same model. Configuring a template is the prerequisite to connecting an EnOS Edge and its sub-devices to EnOS Cloud. For more information, see Creating Device Templates.

Add an Edge Instance

After configuring the template, add the registered Edge device to Edge Management. Next, create a connection and add the sub-devices to the connection. Finally, publish the Edge configuration to EnOS Cloud. For more information, see Managing Edge.

(Optional) Step 4: Communications Testing

If you want to test the communication between Edge and cloud or its sub-devices, use the communications testing service. For more information, see Testing Communications.