Archive Service

The light-weight archiving service enables you to archive large volumes of infrequently used data to a distributed file system asynchronously.

The types of data that can be archived include the following.

  • Raw Data:
    • Raw data received through analog input (AI)
    • Raw data received through digital input (DI)
    • Raw data received through pulse input
    • Generic raw data
  • Alerts
  • Custom data:
    • 5-minute telemetry data archiving
    • 10-minute telemetry data archiving

Raw Data Archiving

Archiving Configuration

Archiving Service Parameter Parameter Value
User General
Archiving Start Time Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. Starts from the day before the archiving is created by default.
Period 1 day
Archiving Model and Measurement Point Selection You can select the model and measurement points to be archived.
Path The format of the path is: data_type/date/model_ID. For example, AI/20200202/EnOS_Solar_Inverter
Archived File Name The file is named after the asset ID.
Encoding UTF-8
Filename Extension .csv
Format As described below.
Column Separator Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. The default separator is the comma.
File Size No upper limit.
Compressed / Not Compressed Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. Compressed by default.
Compression Algorighm GZIP
Merge / Do Not Merge Files of the Same Type Does not merge by default.

Format of AI, PI, Generic Archived Files

An example to illustrate the format of AI, PI, Generic archived files is as per the below, where the user decides to archive the data of the following measurement points.

Measurement Point Information
Measurement Point ID Name (English) Name (Chinese)
WTUR.GenActivePW Reactive Power Production 有功功率
WTUR.WindSpeed Wind Speed 风速

In an archived file, the headers take up the first 3 rows as per the following.

Measurement Point Information
Asset ID Asset Name Data Time Data Time UTC WTUR.GenActivePW WTUR.WindSpeed
Asset ID Asset Name Data Time Data Time UTC Reactive Power Production Wind Speed
资产 ID 资产名称 时间 UTC时间 有功功率 风速
WindturbineA Wind Turbine A in China 2020-01-01 00:00:00 2020-01-01 00:00:00 123.123 4.444

In this sample, the headers are displayed using the ID, English name, and Chinese name. The first 4 columns are fixed and the measurement point data starts from the 5th column.

Measurement points are displayed in an ascending order based on their priority. You can configure the priority of a measurement point by specifying the priority in a tag. Measurement points without priority tags are placed last by default.

Format of DI Archived Files

An example to illustrate the format of DI archived files is as per the below, where the user decides to archive the data of the following measurement points.

Measurement Point Information
Measurement Point ID Name (English) Name (Chinese)
WTUR.STA1 Status #1 状态1
WTUR.STA2 Status #2 状态2

In an archived file, the headers take up the first 3 rows as per the following.

Measurement Point Information
Asset ID Asset Name Data Time Data Time UTC Point ID Point Value
Asset ID Asset Name Data Time Data Time UTC Point ID Point Value
资产 ID 资产名称 时间 UTC时间 测点ID 数值
WindturbineA Windturbine A in China 2020-01-01 00:00:00 2020-01-01 00:00:00 WTUR.STA1 1
WindturbineA Windturbine A in China 2020-01-01 00:00:00 2020-01-01 00:00:00 WTUR.STA2 0
WindturbineB Windturbine B in China 2020-01-01 00:00:00 2020-01-01 00:00:00 WTUR.STA1 0
WindturbineB Windturbine B in China 2020-01-01 00:00:00 2020-01-01 00:00:00 WTUR.STA2 1

In this sample, the headers are displayed using the ID, English name, and Chinese name. The measurement point data starts from the 5th column.

The measurement points are displayed in the same manner as the AI, PI, and Generic data, i.e., in ascending order based on their priority, etc.

Alert Archiving

Archiving Configuration

Archiving Service Parameter Parameter Value
User General
Archiving Start Time Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. Starts from the day before the archiving is created by default.
Period 1 day
Archiving Model and Measurement Point Selection All models and measurement points.
Path The format of the path is: data_type/date/model_ID. For example, AI/20190909, DI/20190909.
Archived File Name The file is named after the asset ID.
Encoding UTF-8
Filename Extension .csv
Format As described below.
Column Separator Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. The default separator is the comma.
File Size No upper limit.
Compressed / Not Compressed Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. Compressed by default.
Compression Algorighm GZIP
Merge / Do Not Merge Files of the Same Type Does not merge by default.
File Cleanup Policy Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. 1% by default.

Format of Archived Files

EnOS Edge uses the same method to archive historic alerts as EnOS Cloud.

Alert Archiving File Format
File Archived Raw Data Note
eventId eventId The alert ID that is unique within an OU and cannot be changed.
orgId orgId The OU ID to which the asset belongs.
assetId deviceId The asset ID.
modelId modelId The model ID to which the asset belongs.
modelIdPath modelIdPath The path of this model.
measurepointId pointId The measurement point ID.
value value The measurement point value.
occurTime time The time when the alert is triggered in UTC time.
localOccurTime localTime The time when the alert is triggered in local time. A 13-digit timestamp is stored in Elasticsearch. The API provided by the alert service converts the timestamp into yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, rounded up to seconds.
recoverTime recoverTime The time when the alert is dismissed in UTC time.
recoverLocalTime recoverLocalTime The time when the alert is dismissed in local time. A 13-digit timestamp is stored in Elasticsearch. The API provided by the alert service converts the timestamp into yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, rounded up to seconds.
recoverReason recoverReason The reason why the alert is dismissed.
createTime createTime The time when the alert is archived in UTC time.
updateTime updateTime The time when the alert record is updated in UTC time.
severityId severityId The user-defined alert severity ID.
severityDesc severityDesc The description for the alert severity.
typeId typeBid The user-defined alert type ID.
typeDesc typeDesc The description for alert type.
subTypeId subTypeBid The user-defined alert sub-type ID.
subTypeDesc subTypeDesc The description for the alert sub-type.
contentId contentBid The user-defined alert content ID.
contentDesc contentDesc The description for the alert content.
eventType eventType

The event type.

  • 0: Dismissed by the system
  • 1: Triggered by the system
  • 2: Dismissed manually
  • 3: Inserted manually
tag tag The alert tag. The API provided by the alert service will convert the tag into standard JSON object [key1:v1,key2:v2].
ruleDesc ruleDesc The description for the alert rule.
assetPaths assetPath The scope where the alert rule takes effect and the path of the device where the alert is triggered is returned. The format is [“treeId1:/assetId1/assetId2/assetIdx”, “treeId2:/assetId3/assetIdx”].
maskedBy maskedBy If this alert is from a sub-device, the root alert that masks this alert is returned. If this alert has multiple root alerts, all the root alerts that can mask this alert is returned and an eventId is generated. The format is [“treeId1:eventId1”, “treeId1:eventId2”].


  • The timestamps for localOccurTime and recoverLocalTime are stored in MySQL. Alert service APIs will convert the timestamp to datetime-type data and archive the converted data. The format of the datetime data is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
  • Structs, such as {} or [], will be stored as string without braces {} or brackets [].
  • If no data is archived during the specified period, a file that contains only headers will still be generated.
  • The compression method is GZIP by default with the filename extension .gz.

Archiving 5-minute and 10-minute Telemetry

Archiving Configuration

Archiving Service Parameter Parameter Value
User General
Archiving Start Time Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. Starts from the day before the archiving is created by default.
Period 1 day
Archiving Model and Measurement Point Selection All models and measurement points.
Path The format of the path is: data_type/date/. For example, AI/20190909, DI/20190909.
Archived File Name The file is named after the asset ID.
Encoding UTF-8
Filename Extension .csv
Format As described below.
Column Separator Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. The default separator is the comma.
File Size No upper limit
Compressed / Not Compressed Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. Compressed by default.
Compression Algorithm GZIP
Merge / Do Not Merge Files of the Same Type Does not merge by default.
File Cleanup Policy Specified when the archiving is created and cannot be changed later. 1% by default.

Format of Archived Files

An example to illustrate the format of the archived file is per the below.

Measurement Point Information
Asset ID Asset Name Data Time Data Time UTC WTUR.GenActivePW_AVG_5m WTUR.WindSpeed_AVG_5m
Asset ID Asset Name Data Time Data Time UTC Reactive Power Production(avg 5m) WindSpeed(avg 5m)
资产 ID 资产名称 时间 UTC时间 有功功率五分钟平均值 风速五分钟平均值
windTurbineC windTurbine C in China 2020-01-01 00:00:00 2020-01-01 00:00:00 123.123 4.444

In this sample, the headers are displayed using the ID, English name, and Chinese name. The measurement point data starts from the 5th column.

The measurement points are displayed in the same manner as AI, PI, and Generic data, i.e., in ascending order based on their priority, etc.

Default File Path

Data Type Path