TSDB Data Service Overview

TSDB-based asset data service. The asset refers to the object after the model is instantiated. The asset data refers to the data sent by the measurement point of the asset. Currently, EnOS TSDB database can store the following asset data:

  • Original data of AI measurement points
  • Minute-level normalized data of AI measurement points
  • Device status (DI) data
  • Generic data
  • Power consumption/production data

For more information about TSDB storage, see Managing Time Series Data.

For the above data types, the TSDB service provides the following interfaces for developers to invoke for data and application development.

API List

Operation Name Description
Filter Asset Latest Data Filter and query the latest data of a single measurement point on multiple devices. Numeric and string supported as the data types for query.
Get Asset AI Data with Aggregation Logic Get the original AI data (or aggregated data) of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period.
Get Asset AI Raw Data Get the original AI data of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period.
Get Asset Current Day Electric Power Get the accumulated power consumption/production data of a specified device from 00:00 (local time) to current time.
Get Asset DI Data Get the status (DI) data of a specified device within a certain period.
Get Asset DI Data Duration Get the duration of different status (DI) data of a specified device within a certain period.
Get Asset Electric Power Data Get the power consumption/production data of a specified device within a certain period.
Get Asset Generic Data Get the generic data of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period.
Get Asset Latest Data Get the latest data of all measurement points of a specified device.
Get Asset Raw Data By Time Range Get the original data of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period (including AI, DI, and Generic data types).

Common Error Codes

Code Error Information Description
0 Success Success
  You do not have permission for the following assets The current application does not have access permissions to the following devices
400 Exception: Invalid param accessKey Error occurs with the parameter accessKey
  xxx is required The parameter xxx cannot be null
  All asset authentication failed The current application does not have access permissions for all queried devices
  Invalid Argument Invalid or missing parameters
  modelId permission denied! Invalid or missing modelId
430   The result set is too large. Failed to call the service
701   Service error
702 Params startTime[] or endTime[] is invalid, and date format of them should be consistent Time format error. The local time format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS; Timezone information is required for UTC time format, e.g. 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00
  xxx cannot be null or negative The parameter xxx cannot be null or negative
  xxx is empty The parameter xxx cannot be null
  only one xxx is allowed At most one parameter xxx is allowed
  assetIds size* measurement points size* pageSize is too large to query, result size may exceed RPC limit The result set of a single query is too large
  param xxx is invalid The parameter xxx is invalid
  endTime should not be later than startTime The query end time should be later than the start time
  is not a valid integer The parameter is not a valid integer
  assetIds or measurement point does not match the model Device or measurement point does not match with the model
  Please config/check storage group for org[] and model[] The storage policy is not configured or the modelId is incorrect