Get Asset Current Day Electric Power

Get the accumulated power consumption/production data of a specified device from 00:00 (local time) to current time.

Operation Permissions

Required Authorization Required Operation Permission
Asset Read

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/tsdb-service/v2.0/electric-power/current-day?orgId={}&modelId={}&assetIds={}&measurepoints={}&accessKey={}&localTimeAccuracy={}

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Required or Not Data Type Description
orgId Query true String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>
modelId Query false String Model ID which the asset belongs to. How to get modelID>>
assetIds Query true String Asset ID, which supports querying multiple assets; multiple asset IDs are separated by commas. How to get assetId>>
measurepoints Query true String Asset measurement point. It is supported to query multiple measurement points, and all the measurement points are separated by commas; the upper limit for query is 3000 (Number of devices *Number of measurement points). How to get pointId>>
accessKey Query false String Service account of the application. The application authenticates with accessKey to obtain the data that it is authorized to access. How to get accessKey>>
localTimeAccuracy Query false Boolean Specify whether query returns data with millisecond time stamp.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
items List<Object> List of asset data. The data returned for a single point of a single device is sorted by time in ascending order. Parameters are stored in the Object struct. See items.



        "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
        "timestamp": 1560329220000,
        "opentsdb_pi_point_xxx": "10.615000000000002"


Name Data Type Description
assetId String Asset ID
pointId Object This parameter is a variable, indicating the identifier and data for the measurement point. The data here is the daily aggregation of the sum of power consumption/production data.
timestamp String Data timestamp (UNIX time, accurate to second)

Error Codes

For description of error codes, see Common Error Codes.


Request Sample


Return Sample

  "status": 0,
  "requestId": null,
  "msg": "success",
  "submsg": null,
  "data": {
    "items": [
        "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
        "timestamp": 1560329220000,
        "sum(opentsdb_pi_point_xxx)": "10.615000000000002"

Java SDK Sample

private static class Request extends PoseidonRequest{

    public void setQueryParam(String key, Object value){
        queryEncodeParams().put(key, value);

    public void setMethod(String method) {
        this.method = method;

    private String method;

    public String baseUri() {
        return "";

    public String method() {
        return method;

public void getAssetsCurrentDayElectricPowerTest(){

    //1. Click Application Registration in the left navigation of the EnOS Console.
    //2. Click the application that needs to call the API, and click Basic Information. accessKey and secretKey correspond to AccessKey and SecretKey in EnOS.
    String accessKey = "29b8d283-dddd-4c31f0e3a356-0f80-4fdf";
    String secretKey = "f0e3a856-0fc0-4fdf-b1e5-b34da152879c";

    //New a request and pass the required parameters into the map that exists in the query. The key is the parameter name and the value is the parameter value.
    Request request = new Request();
    request.setQueryParam("orgId", "yourOrgId");
    request.setQueryParam("modelId", "model_xxx");
    request.setQueryParam("measurepoints", "opentsdb_pi_point_xxx");
    request.setQueryParam("accessKey", accessKey);


    try {
        JSONObject response =  Poseidon.config(PConfig.init().appKey(accessKey).appSecret(secretKey).debug())
                .getResponse(request, JSONObject.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {