Get Asset AI Raw Data

Get the original AI data of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period.

Operation Permissions

Required Authorization Required Operation Permission
Asset Read

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/tsdb-service/v2.0/ai?orgId={}&modelId={}&assetIds={}&measurepoints={}&startTime={}&endTime={}&pageSize={}&accessKey={}&localTimeAccuracy={}

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Required or Not Data Type Description
orgId Query true String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId
modelId Query false String Model ID which the asset belongs to. How to get modelID>>
assetIds Query true String Asset ID, which supports querying multiple assets; multiple asset IDs are separated by commas. How to get assetId>>
measurepoints Query true String Asset measurement point. It is supported to query multiple measurement points, and all the measurement points are separated by commas; the upper limit for query is 3000 (Number of devices *Number of measurement points). How to get pointId>>
startTime Query true String Time of start sampling data, where UTC time format and local time format are supported. The local time format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. In case of local time format, the application queries the assets by the local time of the location where the device is. Timezone information is required for UTC time format, e.g. 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00; in case of UTC time format, the application queries all the assets by the unified start timestamp and end timestamp.
endTime Query true String Time of stop sampling data. Its format must be consistent with the start time.
pageSize Query false Integer Upper limit of the returned records in a single page for a single measurement point of a single device, which is 1000 by default. For a single query, the total returned data amount follows the following constraints: ((Number of devices * Number of points * pagesize) ≤ 640000.
accessKey Query false String Service account of the application. The application authenticates with accessKey to obtain the data that it is authorized to access. How to get accessKey>>
withQuality Query false Boolean Whether the quality indicator is included in the response, true means included, otherwise it is not included.
localTimeAccuracy Query false Boolean Specify whether query returns data with millisecond time stamp.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
items List<Object> List of asset data. The data returned for a single point of a single device is sorted by time in ascending order. Parameters are stored in the Object struct. See items.



        "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
        "timestamp": 1560249312446,
        "opentsdb_ai_point_xxx": "1.1236",
        "localtime": "6/11/2019 6:35:12 PM"


Name Data Type Description
localtime String Local time mark of data, which is accurate to seconds. When the incoming time format is UTC, the value is null.
assetId String Asset ID
pointId Object This parameter is a variable, indicating the identifier and data for the measurement point.
timestamp String Data timestamp (UNIX time, accurate to second)

Error Codes

For description of error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Sample 1

Request Sample

Local time format:


Return Sample

  "status": 0,
  "requestId": null,
  "msg": "success",
  "submsg": null,
  "data": {
    "items": [
        "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
        "timestamp": 1560249312446,
        "opentsdb_ai_point_xxx": "1.1236",
        "localtime": "6/11/2019 6:35:12 PM"
        "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
        "timestamp": 1560249332446,
        "opentsdb_ai_point_xxx": "1.1236",
        "localtime": "6/11/2019 6:35:32 PM"

Sample 2

Request Sample

UTC time format:


Return Sample

    "status": 0,
    "requestId": "a8f0940c1ce447df9b87e75f4594fed6",
    "msg": "success",
    "submsg": null,
    "data": {
        "data": [
                "localtime": null,
                "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
                "opentsdb_ai_point_xxx": "1.1236",
                "timestamp": 1560249312446
                "localtime": null,
                "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
                "opentsdb_ai_point_xxx": "1.1236",
                "timestamp": 1560249332446

Sample 3

Request Sample

Request with quality indicator:


Return Sample

  "status": 0,
  "requestId": null,
  "msg": "success",
  "submsg": null,
  "data": {
    "items": [
        "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
        "timestamp": 1560249312446,
        "opentsdb_ai_point_xxx": "1.1236",
        "localtime": "2019-06-11 18:35:12",
        "quality": "0"
        "assetId": "4DXYH7nS",
        "timestamp": 1560249332446,
        "opentsdb_ai_point_xxx": "1.1236",
        "localtime": "2019-06-11 18:35:32",
        "quality": "0"

Java SDK Sample

private static class Request extends PoseidonRequest{

    public void setQueryParam(String key, Object value){
        queryEncodeParams().put(key, value);

    public void setMethod(String method) {
        this.method = method;

    private String method;

    public String baseUri() {
        return "";

    public String method() {
        return method;

public void getAssetsAIRawDataTest(){

    //1. Click Application Registration in the left navigation of the EnOS Console.
    //2. Click the application that needs to call the API, and click Basic Information. accessKey and secretKey correspond to AccessKey and SecretKey in EnOS.

    String accessKey = "29b8d283-dddd-4c31f0e3a356-0f80-4fdf";
    String secretKey = "f0e3a856-0fc0-4fdf-b1e5-b34da152879c";

    //New a request and pass the required parameters into the map that exists in the query. The key is the parameter name and the value is the parameter value.
    Request request = new Request();
    request.setQueryParam("orgId", "yourOrgId");
    request.setQueryParam("modelId", "opentsdb_model_xxx");
    request.setQueryParam("measurepoints", "opentsdb_ai_point_xxx");
    request.setQueryParam("startTime", "2019-06-01 00:00:00"); //or in UTC format:2019-06-01T00:00:00%2B08:00
    request.setQueryParam("endTime", "2019-06-11 23:00:00");  //or in UTC format:2019-06-11T00:00:00%2B08:00
    request.setQueryParam("pageSize" , 10);
    request.setQueryParam("accessKey", accessKey);


    try {
        JSONObject response = Poseidon.config(PConfig.init().appKey(accessKey).appSecret(secretKey).debug())
                .getResponse(request, JSONObject.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {