Binding Data

Based on the actual data, the pages are bound to the assets and the specific asset data (attributes, measurement points or metrics) are bound to the element attributes.

Binding Assets

  1. Select Bind Asset bind in the upper right toolbar to open the pop-up window.
  2. Select Add Asset to search and select the asset to be bound to the page.
  3. In the bound assets list, you can edit and delete assets.
    • Select the replace button change_asset to replace the asset. The asset data already bound in the page will also be automatically switched to the new asset data.
    • To access the real-time asset ID passed in the URL of a page during runtime, such as ?asset1=XXXX, you need to enable External Parameter.
  4. Select OK to complete the binding.

Binding Data Points

  1. Select the connect button connect on the right side of the configuration item you want to bind data to open the pop-up window.
  2. Select Add Data and select the data (measurement points, attributes and metrics) in the asset, as appropriate.
  3. Select OK to add the data point.
  4. In the function editing area, edit the relevant logic code according to the business requirements.
  5. Select OK to complete the data binding.