Lookup Mapping

The Lookup Mapping node finds the mapping relationship as per the given CSV mapping file and output the specified mapping data to msg.

To aggregate multiple values, the CSV file must have a column with dataType header name where data in the input msg will be displayed in the output msg according to the specified dataType in the CSV if mapping is successful.


The node is only for querying the mapping relationship. The structuring of the subsequent standard device measurement points would require other nodes.

Node Type

IoT Hub.

Input and Output Ability

This node has 1 entry point and 1 exit point. Both the input and output are JSON.

Node Properties



The name for this node.

Mapping File

Upload the CSV mapping file here. You can click the Download Template icon template to download a template to use, click the Upload icon upload to upload the file, or click the Download icon download to download the file that has been uploaded.

Mapping Results

Choose from the list of column headers, taken from the mapping file, to set as the output after mapping. You can choose more than one.

The CSV file must have a column with dataType header name if the aggregation of multiple values is required. Available dataType values are as per the below.

  • number: numeric
  • string: text
  • array<number>: numeric array
  • array<string>: string array
  • boolean

Mapping Key

Choose from the list of column headers, taken from the mapping file, to set as the mapping key. You can choose more than one.

Mapping Value

By default, data in the input msg will be output to the output msg according to the dataType if mapping is successful (see Sample 1). To output a particular data, specify it using expression, for example ${msg.value} (see Sample 5). Data not specified will not be in the output msg.


The description for this node.


  • Maximum number of records in mapping file: 50,000
  • Maximum mapping file size: 2M
  • Currently can only upload CSV files as the mapping file.
  • Can only specify 1 value for Mapping Value.


The samples below are based on a CSV file with the following data.

Key1 Key2 Key3 dataType
AI000001 1KaobBq4I AO-BOOL-ARRAY array<string>
AI000001 2KaobBq4I AO-BOOL-STRING string
AI000001 3KaobBq4I AO-BOOL-STRING2 string
AI000001 4KaobBq4I AO-BOOL-ARRAY array<string>
AI000002 1KaobBq4I AO-BOOL-ARRAY array<string>
AI000002 6KaobBq4I AO-BOOL-STRING string
AI000003 7KaobBq4I AO-BOOL-ARRAY array<string>
AI000004 8KaobBq4I AO-BOOL-FLOAT number

Input and Output Samples

Sample 2

Mapping Results: Key3

Mapping Key: Key1, Key2

    "Key1": "AI000004", //Key1 and Key2 are the mapping keys
    "Key2": "8KaobBq4I",
    "value": "77"
    "Key1": "AI000004",
    "Key2": "8KaobBq4I",
    "value": "77",
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-FLOAT"

Sample 3

Mapping Results: Key2, Key3

Mapping Key: Key1

Mapping Value: ${msg.value}

    "Key1": "AI000001",
    "value": "5"
    "Key1": "AI000002",
    "value": "6"
    "Key2": "6KaobBq4I",
    "Key1": "AI000002",
    "value": "6",
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-STRING"
    "Key2": "2KaobBq4I",
    "Key1": "AI000001",
    "value": "5",
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-STRING"
    "Key2": "3KaobBq4I",
    "Key1": "AI000001",
    "value": "5",
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-STRING2"
    "Key2": "4KaobBq4I",
    "value": [
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-FLOAT"
    "Key2": "1KaobBq4I",
    "value": [
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-ARRAY"

Sample 4

Mapping Results: Key2, Key3

Mapping Key: Key1

    "Key1": "AI000001",
    "value": "18"
    "Key2": "1KaobBq4I",
    "Key1": "AI000001",
    "value": "18",
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-ARRAY"
    "Key2": "2KaobBq4I",
    "Key1": "AI000001",
    "value": "18",
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-STRING"
    "Key2": "3KaobBq4I",
    "Key1": "AI000001",
    "value": "18",
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-STRING2"
    "Key2": "4KaobBq4I",
    "Key1": "AI000001",
    "value": "18",
    "Key3": "AO-BOOL-ARRAY"