Upload Asset File

The upload asset file node uploads the measurement point file-type data of the asset you specify. For more information, see Upload Measurement Points API.

Node Type

IoT Hub.

Input and Output Ability

This node can has 1 entry point and 1 exit point. The input is a file and the output is the URL of the file stored in EnOS.

The URL is stored in the metadata. Therefore, it can be referred to by ${metadata.fileUrl}.

Node Properties



The name for this node.


The model to which the asset belongs to.

Feature Type

The feature definition of the model whose file-type will be uploaded. The actual options would depend on the model selected above, and possible values include the below.

  • Attributes
  • Measurement Points
  • Events

Asset Type

The type of the asset whose file-type data will be uploaded. The values that can be selected are as per the below.

  • Device Asset
  • Logical Asset


The product to which the asset belongs.


The method used to specify the assets.

  • By Asset ID: Specify one or multiple assets from the subsequent text field. Supports ${msg.key} or ${metadata.key} expressions.


The description for the node.


  • Maximum size for asset files associated with measurement points: 200M


Input Sample

The input is a file that belongs to a feature of the model specified.

Output Sample

The output is a URL where the file is stored. The URL is stored in the metadata, and you can refer to it by using the expression ${metadata.fileUrl}.