Update Device Status

The Update Device Status node updates the status of the device. If the update fails, the flow will stop executing for subsequent downsteam nodes and the error will be recorded.

Node Type

IoT Hub.

Input and Output Ability

This node has 1 entry point and 1 exit point. Both the input and output are JSON.

Node Properties



The name of this node.

Asset ID

The asset ID of the device.


The status of the device to update, currently supports only “Online”.

Login Duration (seconds)

The login duration to determine the online status of the device. Available range is from 30 to 86,400 seconds.


The description for the node.


  • Range for Login Duration: 30 to 86,400 seconds


Input Sample

  "id": "eHT8Bnqr"

Output Sample

  "id": "eHT8Bnqr",
  "status": "online"