Configuring OU

Some of the OU functions can be configured at the OU configuration page. By enabling or disabling these functions, you can control some of the operations and display content of the current OU.

Binding Onboarding Templates

An onboarding template determines the asset type, topology rule, connection process, modelling rule, and asset element of the current OU. When configuring the current OU for the first time, you need to bind the onboarding template to assign specific data, rules and process directly to the current OU. During subsequent asset onboarding, this OU can only access data provided in the template to ensure data isolation between OUs. You can bind the onboarding template by the following steps:

  1. Select OU Configuration form the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Bind Onboarding Template, and then select a template from the popup window.
  3. Select whether to enable the flat tree. Flat tree is the asset tree in EnOS Management Console and a collection of topological relationships between assets. After Enable Flat Tree is selected, assets configured in Onboarding Tool will be automatically assigned to a flat tree in EnOS Management Console.

Once an onboarding template is bound, you cannot unbind it on the page. Contact the system administrator if necessary. Once bound, template information and flat tree configuration will be displayed under Basic Information and Flat Tree Settings.


OU Settings

Site Import Settings

Through site import settings, you can impose restrictions on the site import, access and connection steps of Onboarding Tool.

  • Import Sites by Grouping: When this function is enabled, the Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding page will display the Import Sites by Grouping button. You can use this button to import different types of sites by grouping. After importing, the two sites will create independent sites under their respective types; when one site cites the data of another, such data will be synchronized as it changes.

    When this option is disabled, the Import Sites by Grouping button will not be displayed on the Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding page, and you will not be able to import sites by grouping.

  • Limit Site Access: When this option is enabled, the current OU will display sites on the Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding page according to user’s access. The sites that a username can access are different, and are determined by permission assignment settings in EnOS Application Portal.

    When this function is disabled, the Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding page will display all sites created in the current OU.

  • Limit Edge Connection & Mapping: When this option is enabled, the Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding page will not show the Configure Connections and Map Points steps. You will not be able to connect the device to EnOS and map the points via EnOS Edge in Onboarding Tool.

    When this function is disabled, the Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding page will display the Configure Connections and Map Points steps.

Adding Topology Rules

If a message is displayed at the top of the page indicating new topology rules, it means that domain experts have assigned new topology rules for templates used in the current OU. You can select Add to add the corresponding topology rule to the current OU. You can then build topology using the new topology rule in Onboarding Tool.

If you fail to add, you can click Add and the popup window will display the topology rule that has not been added successfully. You can add it again later.
