Troubleshooting Metric Registration

This page describes how to troubleshoot the issues encountered when you register source metrics and unified metrics.

“No permission for this mdmType” Error When Registering Unified Metrics

You receive the following error message when you try to register unified metrics by importing a template file:

No permission for this mdmType


Common Data Service controls data access permissions based on the domains to which object types belong. If you do not have the permission point of a specific domain, you cannot register data in the domain.


Contact the application administrator to assign the required permission point of the domain.

Cannot Calculate Metric Expression Result

After registering a unified metric, you find no issue in the metric expression, but the system cannot calculate its result.


The expression contains special characters that are invisible to the naked eye such as <0xa0>.


  1. Check the expression with a text editor.

  2. Remove special characters.
