Naming Rules of Unified Metric Keys

When registering a unified metric, you need to define a unique key for the metric. To facilitate the unified management of metrics, the following format is recommended.


The rules for each component of a unified metric key are as follows.

Component Required/Optional Rule Example
MetricName Required Name of the unified metric based on the corresponding source metric name. Use upper camel case. ActiveProduction
OrganizationPrefix Optional Public unified metrics do not need to be prefixed, and private unified metrics need to be prefixed with the abbreviation of the OU to which they belong. DEMO.ActiveProduction
ComparisonIdentifier Optional For a comparative metric, the corresponding comparison identifier needs to be added. Use one of the following comparison identifiers: LP, SPLY, SPLM. For more information about comparison identifiers, see Registering a Comparative Metric. DEMO.ActiveProductionSPLY
TimeDimensionSuffix Optional For a cumulative metric, the corresponding time dimension identifier needs to be added as a suffix. Use one of the following time dimension identifiers: L, TD, MTD, TM, YTD, TY, BOL. For more information about time dimension identifiers, see Registering a Cumulative Metric. DEMO.ActiveProductionSPLY:TD