Registering a Dimension Type

A dimension type defines the data aggregation dimension such as asset type, province, and manufacturer. Only by registering dimension types in Common Data Service can these dimension types be referenced in metric registration to define how the metrics can be aggregated. You can register dimension types in batches by uploading a template file.


You need to be assigned the required asset permission and operation permission, and a menu group containing the Dimension Types menu. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.


  1. Select Meta Data > Dimension Types from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select the Public Dimensions or Private Dimensions tab according to the effective scope of the target dimension type, and click Import. For more information about the difference between public and private dimension types, see Public/Private Dimension Types.

  3. Click Download in the pop-up window and choose to download an Excel and a JSON template file.

  4. Enter the following information in the template file.

    Field Name Identifier Required/Optional Description
    Dimension Identifier dimension Required The identifier of the dimension type, which needs to be unique under the same object type within the same (public/private) effective scope.
    Dimension Chinese/English/Japanese/Spanish Name nameZh/En/Ja/Es English and Chinese names are required The dimension name in different languages.
    Object Type Identifier mdmType Required The identifier of the asset type that the dimension belongs to. You can go to Meta Data > Object Types to view the object type identifier.
    Object Type Name mdmTypeName Optional The name of the asset type that the dimension belongs to. You can go to Meta Data > Object Types to view the object type name.
    Dimension Level level Required Fill in child if the dimension is based on the subordinate assets under the current asset and fill in self if the dimension is based on the current asset itself.
    ID Reference Attribute attribute Optional The identifier of the attribute used to describe the dimension identifier. Common Data Service aggregates data according to the enumeration values of this attribute.
    Name Reference Attribute nameAttribute Optional The identifier of the attribute used to describe the dimension name. Common Data Service displays the enumeration name of the dimension according to the name of this attribute.
    Related Object Type Identifier dimensionType Optional If the dimension is an object type, fill in the identifier of the object type.
    Filters filters Optional The supported filtering methods. Use these filters: in, ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=. Separate multiple filters by commas, for example, ==,in.
    Source Dimension Identifier dimensionMapping Optional When the dimension identifier is inconsistent with the original dimension identifier of the data source, the original dimension identifier used by the data source must be filled in; otherwise, the filtering capability of the dimension cannot be used.
    Enum Source Type enumSourceType Required Fill in static if the enumeration values are static. Fill in metricData if the enumeration values are included in the returned results of metrics. Fill in record if the enumeration values come from the records in Common Data Service. Fill in amcDimension if the enumeration values come from the dimension tables in Configuration Center. Fill in mdmType if the enumeration values come from the object types in Common Data Service. Fill in amcType if the enumeration values come from the asset types in Configuration Center.
    Static Enumerate enumerate Optional For static enumeration values, you need to specify their identifiers and names.
    Dynamic Enum Source ID enumerateSourceID Optional For enumeration values coming from record or amcDimension, you need to specify the record type or dimension table identifiers.
    Dynamic Enum Mapping enumerateMapping Optional For enumeration values coming from record or amcDimension, you need to specify the data fields in record types or dimension tables mapped with the identifiers and names of the enumeration values.


    The “Org ID”, “Org Name”, “Updated On”, and “Updated By” fields in the template file can be left blank and will be filled by the system after upload.

  5. Click Upload in the pop-up window. Select the filled template file and click OK.


Once registered, the dimension type appears in the dimension type list. You can view its details and perform the following actions on it.

  • Edit the dimension type: Click Export, modify the template file as required, and import the modified file. The dimension types with the same identifiers will overwrite the existing dimension types, and the dimension types with different identifiers will be added.
  • Delete the dimension type: Click Delete Delete of the target dimension type. Deleted dimension types cannot be restored.