Key Concepts

The users and permissions of EnOS Alarm Management are inherited from EnOS Application Portal. Before starting, you should learn about the key concepts of EnOS Application Portal. Under an OU that has obtained and authorized Work Management, you can create a ticket response through Alarm Management and access Work Management to view the ticket details, so you also need to learn about the key concepts of Work Management.

Below are the key concepts of Alarm Management.


An alarm is a record generated when the asset data value or the device status meets a set condition. For example, when the measurement point value of a certain device is greater than a specified threshold, an alarm will be triggered.

Alarm Group

Alarm groups are group types based on the site types to which the assets belong. Different alarm groups correspond to different alarm severities and alarm types. For example, you can configure the Solar group for assets of the solar site type, and the Storage group for assets of the storage site type.

Alarm Severity

Alarm severities are the level classification for different alarms according to the severities and handling priorities of events. For example, in Alarm Management, the following alarm severities can be configured for devices in the Solar group: Fault, Info, and Warning.

Alarm Type

Alarm types are types set for different alarms according to the different status of devices or the reasons for triggering the alarms. For example, in Alarm Management, the following types of alarms can be configured for devices in the Solar group: Performance Alarm, Device Alarm, and Status Alarm.

Active Status

An active status is used to define the current status of the alarm and Alarm Management has the following status:

  • Active: The alarm was triggered but has not been recovered. For example, when the value of a certain measurement point is continuously greater than the set threshold, the alarm is triggered and remains active.
  • Inactive: The alarm was triggered and recovered. For example, the first value of the measurement point was greater than the set threshold, an alarm was triggered, when the second value of the current measurement point does not meet the trigger condition, the alarm will be recovered and in an inactive status.

Acknowledgment Status

An acknowledgment status is used to define whether the alarm has been acknowledged and includes acknowledged and unacknowledged status:

  • Acknowledged: The alarm has been acknowledged.
  • Unacknowledged: The alarm has not been acknowledged and the acknowledgment operation can be performed on the alarm.

Alarm Trigger Rule

An alarm trigger rule is the alarm trigger condition configured for the KPI or measurement point of the asset. When the data value or status of the KPI or measurement point meets the configured condition, the alarm will be triggered.

Alarm Notification Rule

An alarm notification rule defines the alarm notification method after the alarm is triggered. In Alarm Management, you can set the notification by email, SMS, and pop-up window for the alarm.

Alarm Response Rule

Alarm response rules define how alarms are handled. In Alarm Management, the following two response methods can be configured for alarms:

  • Acknowledgment Response: After the alarm is triggered, the alarm can be acknowledged.
  • Ticket Response: A work order or service request can be created for the triggered alarm under an OU that has obtained and authorized Work Management.