Alarm Statistics

You can view graphical data, such as the number of alarms, alarm rankings, and alarm trends on the Alarm Statistics page.


Before starting, make sure you have the following ready:

  • If you want to use the Active Alarm page, you need to ensure that the current OU is obtained and authorized EnOS Common Data Services and EnOS Digital Twin Visualization. If not available, contact the application creator.
  • The configuration in Common Data Services that the alarm statistics page depends on is completed, the template has been imported to Digital Twin Visualization, and the asset type has been modified.
  • In "mdmTypes":"Type" in the URL of the alarm statistics menu, the "Type" field has been modified to the site type that the current OU needs to deploy.
  • The current account has assigned the required asset permissions and menu groups, including Alarm Statistics. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.


The current page is a configurable page. You can customize the filter items and cards in Digital Twin Visualization according to your actual needs. For assistance, contact the asset administrator.

Viewing Alarm Statistics

  1. Select Alarm Statistics in the left navigation bar. The Alarm Statistics page displays the alarm statistics of all sites in the current week by default.

  2. Filter the site, time, and other information in the filter boxes, and wait for the page to refresh automatically.

  3. View the alarm statistics cards under the selected site:

    • Statistics Overview: View Counts, Cumulative Duration, Average Ack Time, Average Recovery Time, Alarm Acknowledgment Rate, and Alarm Recovery Rate.

      • Alarm Acknowledgment Rate: View the quantity of acknowledged alarms within the selected time period, alarm acknowledgment rate = (number of acknowledged alarms/number of generated alarms)*100%.

        The “alarm acknowledgment rate” may be greater than 100%, because “number of acknowledged alarms” = number of acknowledged alarms within the selected time period + number of acknowledged alarms outside the selected time period, and “number of generated alarms” = number of alarms generated within the selected time period, so situations where “number of acknowledged alarms” > “number of alarms generated” can occur.

      • Alarm Recovery Rate: You can view the quantity of recovered alarms within the selected time period, alarm recovery rate = (number of recovered alarms/number of generated alarms)*100%.

        The “alarm recovery rate” may be greater than 100%, because “number of recovered alarms” = number of recovered alarms within the selected time period + number of alarms recovered outside the selected time period, and “number of generated alarms” = number of alarms generated within the selected time period, so situations where “number of recovered alarms” > “number of generated alarms” can occur.

    • Alarm Severity: View the distribution of alarm records based on alarm severities from the dimensions of Count and Duration.

    • Alarm Type: View the distribution of alarm records based on alarm types from the dimensions of Count and Duration.

    • Recovery/Ackmt Counts: View the quantity of alarms with different recovery and acknowledgment times.

    • Alarm Ranking: View the ranking of alarm data and alarm quantity of different sites, device types, and alarm rules.

    • Alarm Trend: View alarm trends over time from alarm severity, alarm type, and device type.


  • The current page only displays statistical data for alarms that have not been shelved.
  • Regardless of whether the alarm is shelved, restored or acknowledged, the alarm only participates in the calculation of statistical metrics for the day it was generated. For example, if “alarm A” was generated on 2022.12.05, blocked on 2022.12.06, and restored on 2022.12.07, “alarm A” will only participate in the calculation of statistical metrics such as alarm counts, cumulative duration, and alarm ranking on 2022.12.05.
  • If the selected alarm period is longer than 30 days, alarms that were shelved or restored within the last month of the selected alarm period will only participate in the calculation of the relevant statistical metrics within the selected period. For example, the currently selected alarm time period is 2022.10.05-2023.12.05. If 10 alarms are restored on 2022.10.12, these 10 restored alarms will not affect the statistics on the current page; if alarms are restored from 2022.11.05-2022.12.05, the statistical metrics in the currently selected period will be changed.