Storing Last Changed Record Data

EnOS Time Series Data Management service supports storing the last changed record data of device measurement points, which can be used for determining the device connection status and duration of unchanged data.

With the storage policy configured, the last changed record data of device measurement points will keep refreshing in TSDB. You can use the TSDB Data API to get the stored last changed data of specified devices. For more information, see Get Last Changed Data.


Take the following steps to configure last changed record storage policy for device measurement points.

  1. Log in to the EnOS Management Console, click Time Series Data Management > Storage Policies.

  2. Under the Last Changed Record tab, move the cursor on the Last Changed Record storage type and click the Edit icon to open the Edit Storage Policy page.

  3. In the Select Points section, search and select a model and the corresponding measurement points for which the data storage policy serves.

  4. Click OK to save the storage policy.


When the storage policy is saved, the system will start storing and refreshing the last changed record data of the selected measurement points. If you need to delete the saved data, go to the Data Deletion page to clean up the stored last changed record data.