Comparing Editions and Features

The following table lists the features included in Onboarding Tool Enterprise and Lightweight editions.

Feature Enterprise Lightweight
Create and manage sites, including to view, edit, import, and delete sites, and submit asset changes
Create and manage assets on sites, including to view, edit, copy, export, import, enable, disable, and delete devices, components, and custom type assets, and submit asset changes
Build and manage on-site topologies, including to view, edit, import, move, sort the topology nodes
Configure and manage the connections among devices, Edge devices, and the cloud ×
Map measurement points of devices by importing all-models point lists and single-model point lists ×
View and manage asset change submissions, including my submissions, review submissions, and all submissions
Create and manage off-site topologies, including to add, edit, import, move, sort, and remove topology nodes, automatically assign assets, and delete topologies
Create and manage point mapping tasks, and map device points automatically and manually ×
Create and manage state mapping tasks, and map device state automatically and manually ×
Configure and manage asset business properties, including to edit, export, import, and delete properties
Assign and manage users’ onboarding permissions
Add and manage tags for assets, including to tag by types, manufacturers and model Nos., asset topologies, default tags and custom tags
View and manage public forms, including to edit basic information, add tags, and remove public forms from this OU
Create and manage private forms, including to edit and delete forms, add tags, view and roll back to history versions
Manage users’ permissions of asset management by assigning permission points