Unit 1: Preparing Data

In this unit, you will learn how to prepare data and configure connections to MySQL data sources.

Step 1: Download the Data Sheet and Understand the Metric Requirements

Select Download Data Table to download the dimension table and fact table used in this tutorial. The name and content of the data tables are as follows.

Name Description
solar_plant.csv Dimension table: Contains the Solar device IDs and the Solar site IDs, and is used to associate the solar devices with the solar sites to establish the Solar site dimension.
solar_device_data.csv Fact table: Contains the Solar device IDs, generation data at each moment, and data collection time, and is used to calculate the cumulative generation metric.
weather_sensor.csv Dimension table: Contains the sensor IDs and the IDs of the Solar sites, and is used to associate the sensors with the solar sites to establish the Solar site dimension.
weather_sensor_data.xlsx Fact table: Contains the sensor IDs, temperature data at each moment, horizontal radiance data at each moment, and data collection time, and is used to calculate daily average temperature and daily cumulative horizontal radiance metrics.

Step 2: Registering the Data Source

  1. Insert the above data tables into MySQL Database.
  2. As explained in Registering a MySQL or SQL Server Data Source, register a data source with a data source type of MySQL and a data source name of tutorial_solar. After filling in the host name/IP address, database name, user name, and password based on your actual situation, and completing the connectivity test, select Done.