Tutorial Overview


In the solar generation field, site generation, ambient temperature, and horizontal radiance are common metrics used in site monitoring.

Based on device-level generation, ambient temperature, and horizontal radiance data, data preparation, dimension building, and fact table building are used to develop and query the cumulative generation metric at the solar site level, the day-level ambient temperature metric at the site, and the site-level cumulative horizontal radiance metric.

Tutorial Objectives

In this tutorial you will learn how to prepare data, define and configure dimension tables, define and configure fact tables, and develop and query metrics.


Before starting, make sure you have the following ready:

  • The user account has been assigned the menu group containing Metric Library, Dimensions, Fact Tables, and Metric Insights.
  • MySQL version 5.7 has been installed.
  • The user account has permission to use the Data Source Registration service.