Managing Metric Libraries

Metric Management has a built-in standard metric library, and also supports custom metric libraries based on business needs.


Before starting, ensure that the current account has been assigned a menu group including Metric Library. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.

Creating a Metric Library

  1. Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to to the Raw Metric tab by default.
  2. Select New Metric Library add_metriclib_icon on the right side of the search box to enter the following information in the pop-up window:
    • ID: Enter an ID for the metric library that is unique under the current OU.
    • Name: Enter the name of the metric library.
    • Description: Add a description for the metric library.
  3. Select OK to complete the creation of the metric library.

Editing a Metric Library

  1. Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to the Raw Metric tab by default.
  2. After hovering the mouse over the name of the metric library, select Edit edit_icon, and then save or publish after modification.


When the name of a raw metric changes, the name of the raw metric in the derived metrics associated with that metric name is automatically updated.

Deleting Metric Libraries

To delete the metric library, ensure you have deleted all the raw metrics under the current metric library in advance. For more information, see Deleting a Raw Metric.

  1. Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to to the Raw Metric tab by default.
  2. Select Delete delete_repo_icon after hovering over the metric library name.