Data Sandbox Resource

The EnOS data exploration service is designed to support flexible data analysis scenarios with data preprocessing and analytics technologies, helping engineers, data scientists, and business analysts process data more efficiently without having to use complex command lines or worry about clustering implementation details.

The EnOS data exploration service is based on the open-source Apache Zeppelin and Jupyter, which are web-based notebooks that enable data-driven, interactive data analytics, and collaborative documents with multiple interpreters. For more information, see Data Sandbox Overview.

Resource Application Scenario

The data sandbox resource provides a running environment for the data analytics applications developed by data scientists and data engineers.

To run scripts to transform data and extract insights from the data, you need to request for the Data Sandbox resource.

Resource Specification

Select the appropriate CPU, memory, and storage specifications based on the business needs of using data sandbox for data analysis. If the jobs do not need to use the data sandbox function, you can delete the data sandbox sandbox resources that have been applied for, and free up computing and storage resources. The detailed specifications are as per the below.

Specification Description
CPU Available options are 2 - 6 vcore
Memory Available options are 1 - 10 GB
Storage Resource Available options are 1 - 10 GB