Update Subscription Group

Update the subscription group information.

Request format

PUT http://{apigw-address}/dataService/subscribeGroups/{subscribeGroupId}?orgId={}

Request parameters (URI)

Request parameters (URI)
Name Location (Path/Query) Required or not Data type Description
subscribeGroupId Path Yes String Subscription group ID
orgId Query Yes String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get Organization ID>>


Replace {subscribeGroupId} with the subscription group ID instead of using “subscribeGroupId= Subscription group ID”.

Request parameters (Body)

Request parameters (Body)
Name Required or not Data type Description
subscribeGroupId True String Subscription group ID. It must begin with DATASVC.SUBALL. or DATASVC.SUB.. Only upper cases and lower cases of English letters, numbers, underline (_), English period (.) and hyphen (-) are supported, and its length is limited within 60 bytes.
enable False boolean Whether to enable the subscription group.
subscribeAll False boolean Whether to subscribe all the measurement point information. If it is True, the value of subscribeGroupId must be attached with the DATASVC.SUBALL. prefix. if it is False, the value of subscribeGroupId must be attached with the DATASVC.SUB. prefix.
subscribeModelList False Array List of the subscribed models, where the data element is the model identifier.
subscribeProductList False Array List of the subscribed products, where the data element is the product key.
subscribeAssetList False Array List of the subscribed assets, where the data element is the asset ID.
subscribeDeviceList False Array List of the subscribed devices, where the list element is the object, and its structure is shown in the table below.
subscribeModelPointList False Array Measurement points of the subscribed models, where the list element is the object, and its structure is shown in the table below.
subscribePointList False Array List of the information of the measurement points associated to the subscribed devices, where the list element is the object, and its structure is shown in the table below.
subscribeDeviceList structure
Name Required or not Data type Description
productKey False String Product key of device
deviceKey False String Device key of device
subscribeModelPointList structure
Name Required or not Data type Description
modelId False String Identifier of the model that the device belongs to
pointList False Array List of measurement point IDs
subscribePointList structure
Name Required or not Data type Description
assetId False String Asset ID of the device asset that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset
productKey False String Product key of the product that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset along with the deviceKey
deviceKey False String Device key of the product that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset along with the productKey
pointList False Array List of point IDs, where the list element is the point ID


In the subscribePointList object, you may only use assetId or the combination of productKey and deviceKey to identify a device asset. If all the three parameters exist in the subscribePointList, the assetId will be used to identify the device.

Response parameters

Response parameters
Name Data type Description
status Int Status code
msg String Response message
submsg String Response sub-message
data Object Response data object, the structure of which is in the table below
data object
Name Data type Description
id String Internally defined data identifier
subscribeGroupId String Subscription group ID
enable Boolean Whether to enable the subscription group
subscribeAll Boolean Whether the subscription group subscribes all the measurement points
subscribeModelList Array List of the subscribed models, where the list element is the model identifier
subscribeProductList Array List of the subscribed products, where the list element is the Product Key
subscribeAssetList Array List of the subscribed assets, where the list element is the asset identifier
subscribeDeviceList Array List of the subscribed devices, where the list element is the object, and its structure is shown in the table below.
subscribeModelPointList Array List of the measurement points associated to the subscribed models, where the list element is the object, and its structure is shown in the table below.
subscribePointList Array List of the points associated to the subscribed devices, where the list element is the object, and its structure is shown in the table below.
subscribeDeviceList structure
Name Data type Description
productKey String Product key of the subscribed device
deviceKey String Device key of the subscribed device
subscribeModelPointList structure
Name Data type Description
modelId String Identifier of the model that the device belongs to
pointList Array List of point IDs, where the list element is the point ID
subscribePointList structure
Name Required or not Description
assetId String assetId of the device asset that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset
productKey String Product key of the product that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset along with the deviceKey
deviceKey String Device key of the product that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset along with the productKey
pointList Array List of measurement point IDs


In the subscribePointList object, the assetId is preferred to identify a device. If assetId does not exist, the combination of deviceKey and productKey will be used to identify a device.

Input/output samples

Request sample

PUT  http://{apigw-address}/dataService/subscribeGroups/{subscribeGroupId}?orgId=o15434988531231

Response sample
