Delete Subscription Group

Delete the subscription group.

Request format

DELETE http://{apigw-address}/dataService/subscribeGroups/{subscribeGroupId}?orgId={}

Request parameters (URI)

Request parameters (URI)
Name Location (Path/Query) Required or not Data type Description
subscribeGroupId Path Yes String Subscription group ID
orgId Query Yes String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get Organization ID>>


Replace {subscribeGroupId} with the subscription group ID instead of using “subscribeGroupId= Subscription group ID”.

Response Parameters

Response parameters
Name Data type Description
status Int Status code
msg String Response message
submsg String Response sub-message
data null Response data


Request Sample

DELETE http://{apigw-address}/dataService/subscribeGroups/{subscribeGroupId}?orgId=o15434988531231

Response Sample
