Set Multiple Measurement Points Asynchronously

Set the measurement points in a asynchronous and multi-point way.

Request Format

PUT http://{apigw-address}/edge-service/v1/commands?action=setMeasurepointAsync&orgId={}

Request Parameters (URI)

Request parameters (URI)
Name Location (Path/Query) Required or not Data type Description
orgId Query Yes String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get Organization ID>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Request parameters (Body)
Name Required or not Data type Description
data True Object Information about setting measurement points. See the table below for its structure.
data object
Name Required or not Data type Description
requestId True String ID of the request for setting measurement points
orgId True String OU ID
callType False String Call type. The value ASYNC means asynchronous
setMeasurepointChannelId True String ID of the channel for setting measurement points
productKey True String Product key of the product that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset along with the deviceKey
deviceKey True String Device key of the product that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset along with the productKey
assetId True String Asset ID of the device asset that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset
measurepointId True String Target measurement point ID
callbackUrl False String Callback function URL
inputData False Object Input data, which consists of key-value pairs of input data
timeout False Long Timetout in milliseconds. Its default value is 30000 and maximum 300000.
gmtSetMeasurepointRequest False Long Time of setting the measurement points set by the caller. A UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. If the value is null or not greater than 0, the current system time will be used.


In the subscribePointList object, the assetId is prioritized to identify a device. If assetId does not exist, the combination of deviceKey and productKey will be used to identify a device.

Response Parameters

Response parameters
Name Data type Description
status Int Status code
msg String Response message
submsg String Response sub-message
data Object Response data object, the structure of which is in the table below
Response parameters
Name Data type Description
requestId String Identifier of the request for setting measurement points
orgId String OU ID
callType String Invocation type, where the value “SYNC” means synchronous while the value “ASYNC” means asynchronous
setMeasurepointChannelId String ID of the channel for setting measurement points
productKey String Product key of the product that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset along with the deviceKey
deviceKey String Device key of the product that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset along with the productKey
assetId String Asset ID of the device asset that the measurement point belongs to, which is used to specify a device asset
measurepointId String Target measurement point ID
callbackUrl String Callback function URL
inputData Object Input data, which consists of key-value pairs
status Int Result of measurement point setting, where 0 indicates success and other values indicate failure
msg String Response message
submsg String Response sub-message
timeout Long Timeout
gmtSetMeasurepointRequest Long Time for setting measurement points, which is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
gmtSetMeasurepointReply Long Service response time, which is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds


In the subscribePointList object, the assetId is prioritized to identify a device. If assetId does not exist, the combination of deviceKey and productKey will be used to identify a device.


Request Sample

PUT http://{apigw-address}/dataService/devices/multiSet?orgId=o15434988531231

Response Sample

         "msg":"para error",
         "submsg":"para error",
         "msg":"para error",
         "submsg":"para error",