List Channels for Setting Measurement Points

Set the measurement points in a asynchronous and multi-point way.

Request format

GET http://{apigw-address}/dataService/setMeasurepointChannels?pageSize={}&pageToken={}&orgId={}

Request Parameters (URI)

Request parameters (URI)
Name Location (Path/Query) Required or not Data type Description
orgId Query True String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get Organization ID>>
pageSize Query False Int Number of the records displayed in each page, where the default value “0” means all the subscription groups are read. The default value is used if this field is left blank.
pageToken Query False String Page number of each record page, where the default value “1” means the first page. The default value is used if this field is left blank.


pageSize and pageToken are used to specify the display of returned results. For example, if you want to display the records from No.201 to No.300, you should set pageSize=100 pageToken=3. pageSize=100 is used to paginate the records into 100 records per page, while pageToken=3 means to search the third page, i.e. the records from No. 201 to No. 300.

Response Parameters

Response parameters
Name Data type Description
status Int Status code
msg String Response message
submsg String Response sub-message
data Object Response data object, the structure of which is in the table below
data object in the response parameters
pageToken String Page number of each record page, where the default value 1 means the first page
pageSize Int Number of the records displayed in each page, where the default value 0 means all the subscription groups are read
totalSize String Total number of returned records
data Array List of returned subscription groups. The list element is a JSON object. The structure of the object is in the table below.
data object in the list of returned subscription group information
Name Data type Description
id String Internal data ID
setMeasurepointChannelId String ID of the channel for setting measurement points for devices
desc String Channel description


Request Sample

GET http://{apigw-address}/dataService/setMeasurepointChannels?pageSize={}&pageToken={}orgId=o15434988531231

Response Sample
