Search Asset Node

Query the assets that meet the conditions.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/asset-tree-service/v2.1/asset-nodes?action=searchAssetV2

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Required or Not Data Type Description
orgId Query true String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Required or Not Data Type Description
expression False String

Query expression. The fields that are supported for query include: assetId, modelId, rootModelIds, name, attributes, tags, treeId, productKey and deviceKey.

  • assetId, modelId, and rootModelIds: support arithmetic operators “=” and “in”;
  • productType and deviceKey: supports arithmetic operator “=” and fuzzy inquiry (like);
  • name: supports fuzzy inquiry of specified language:
    • name like ‘xxx’: fuzzy inquiry of default name, Chinese name, and English name
    • name.default like ‘xxx’: fuzzy inquiry of default name
    • name.zh_CN like ‘xxx’: fuzzy inquiry of Chinese name, if no Chinese name, fuzzy inquiry of default name
    • name.en_US like ‘xxx’: fuzzy inquiry of English name, if no English name, fuzzy inquiry of default name

How to use expression

pagination False pagination request struct Random pagination. The maximum records per page is 1000. User can not specify the sorting field. If not provided, the default pagination size is 100 pages. Pagination Request Struct
projection False Projection struct Describe the object projection to be returned in the interface request. For details, see How does projection crop the result set?

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Asset Struct Asset list

Sample 1

Request Sample

POST https://{apigw-address}/asset-tree-service/v2.1/asset-nodes?action=searchAssetV2&orgId=1c499110e8800000
 "filter": {
  "attributes": {
   "starsystem": "Solar System"
"projection": ["attributes", "assetId", "name"]

Return Sample

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "requestId": "cf08e75c-325a-429f-bdb9-ec5d6a1250d7",
    "pagination": {
       "pageNo": 1,
       "pageSize": 10,
       "totalSize": 10,
       "sortedBy": null
    "data": [{
       "assetId": "f1Y6KiOr",
       "name": {
           "i18nValue": {},
           "defaultValue": "earth"
       "attributes": {
           "starsystem": "Solar System",
           "de001": 123
    }, {
       "assetId": "WHIFQDEZ",
       "name": {
           "i18nValue": {},
           "defaultValue": "earth"
       "attributes": {
           "starsystem": "Solar System",
           "de001": 123
    }, {
       "assetId": "TdqGOisO",
       "name": {
           "i18nValue": {},
           "defaultValue": "earth"
       "attributes": {
           "starsystem": "Solar System",
           "de001": 123
    }, {
       "assetId": "T9VewFFA",
       "name": {
           "i18nValue": {},
           "defaultValue": "venus"
       "attributes": {
           "starsystem": "Solar System",
           "de001": 123
    }, {
       "assetId": "NU3EbpXK",
       "name": {
           "i18nValue": {},
           "defaultValue": "1559140566137"
       "attributes": {
           "starsystem": "Solar System",
           "de001": 123
    }, {
       "assetId": "9AE1XYBl",
       "name": {
           "i18nValue": {},
           "defaultValue": "earth"
       "attributes": {
           "starsystem": "Solar System",
           "de001": 123
    }, {
       "assetId": "ZPuCIbDw",
       "name": {
           "i18nValue": {},
           "defaultValue": "earth"
       "attributes": {
           "starsystem": "Solar System",
           "de001": 123