Asset Tree Service Overview

Provide the management operations for asset trees, asset nodes, and asset paths.

Asset Tree

Operation Name Description
Associate Asset Associate a specified existing asset node to the asset tree
Create and Associate Asset Create a logical asset and associate it with the asset tree
Create Asset Tree Create an asset tree as well as its root node
Create Asset Tree and Associate Asset Create an asset tree and associate an existing asset as the root node of the asset tree
Delete Asset Tree Delete an asset tree
Get Asset Tree Get an asset tree
Get Asset Trees Search for the asset tree in which the asset is located based on a set of assetId
Search Asset Path Query the eligible path on the asset tree
Search Asset Tree Search for eligible asset trees based on tags
Update Asset Tree Update the asset tree information

Asset Tree Node

Operation Name Description
Delete Asset Node Remove an asset node from the asset tree
Search Asset Node Query the assets that meet the conditions
Search Related Asset Node Query assets on the specified asset tree