Get Asset Tree

Get an asset tree under the specified OU.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/asset-tree-service/v2.1/asset-trees?action=get

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Required or Not Data Type Description
orgId Query true String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>
treeId Query true String ID of the asset tree to be gotten. How to get the ID of an asset tree>>

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
treeId String Asset tree ID
tags Map (Key is of String type, and the value is of String type) A group of user-customized asset tree tags
asset asset struct Root asset of asset tree. See asset Struct

Asset Struct

Name Data Type Description
assetId String Asset ID
modelId String Model ID which the asset belongs to
modelIdPath String Model ID path
name StringI18n Asset name that supports internationalization
timezone String Timezone where the asset is located.
Use the “+08:00” format to indicate time zones that do not support daylight saving time.
Use the Asia/Shanghai” format to indicate time zones that support daylight saving time
description String Asset description
label String Asset type: “0” - device assets; “1” - logical assets
inValid Boolean true stands for invalid nodes while false stands for valid nodes
attributes Map (Key is of String type, and the Value is of object type) Attributes of the model which the asset belongs to
tags Map
(Key is of String type, and the value is of String type)
User-customized tags

Sample 1

Request Sample


Return Sample

 "code": 0,
 "msg": "OK",
 "requestId": "f3c1ffc7-cc8e-4a50-ad40-0fa7b0c3a7ac",
 "data": {
  "treeId": "BRIt3ee3",
  "tags": {
   "user": "zm",
   "user0": "lily"
  "asset": {
   "inValid": false,
   "assetId": "nlw68lR5",
   "modelId": "model_0422",
   "modelIdPath": "/model_0422",
   "name": {
    "defaultValue": "0430343",
    "i18nValue": {
     "en_US": "0430343"
   "timezone": "+08:00",
   "description": null,
   "label": "1",
   "attributes": {},
   "tags": {
    "tree": "0430"