Get User’s Applications

Get a list of applications that the current user has permission to access through Access Token.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/app-portal-service/v2.0/user/app/list

Request Parameters (Header)

Name Required or Not Data Type Description
Authorization true string Access Token, represented as Bearer Token. Refer to Log In or Refresh Access Token to learn how to get Access Token.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data data struct null

data Struct

Name Data Type Description
apps AppDTO struct Application details

AppDTO Struct

Name Data Type Description
id string Application ID
identifier string The unique identifier of the application
name string Application name
description string Application description
type integer Application type: 0: web application, 1: mobile application
createdTime string Time of creating the applicatoin
status boolean Application status under the organization: 0: not enabled, 1: enabled
order integer The position of the application in the organization. 0 means the first position. The higher the number, the lower the position.
url string URL of the application
isShortcut boolean Whether this application is a shortcut
category integer Application category ID, such as “21” represents as “Wind” and “22” as “Solar”. See Application Category

Application Category

ID Name
21 Wind
22 Solar
23 Hydroelectricity
24 Thermal
25 Storage
26 Pile
27 Electricity Sale
28 Distribution Network
29 Micro Intelligent Network
30 Industry Park
31 Smart Building
32 Smart City
33 AI
34 Other
35 Comprehensive
36 Substation


Request Sample



headers: {Authorization=Bearer APP_PORTAL_S_Yb2EbgM5ER4qzALdhU24yAW6W7QHt6MD}

Return Sample

                    "name":"Electricity Sale"
                "createdTime":"2019-05-28 07:49:39",
                "name":"Energy assets Mgmt",
                "createdTime":"2019-06-19 05:03:32",