Built-in Master Data

Master data are device attributes that can be configured for devices in registration groups. Master data can be divided into the following two types based on the sources:

  • Built-in master data: master data that is pre-created in Device Provisioning Service and is universal in all OUs.
  • Newly created master data: master data that is manually created on page and is applicable in the current OU.

If you need to request device master data using Device Provisioning Service APIs, ensure that the master data is either built-in or has been created on page.

Here is the details about the built-in master data in Device Provisioning Service.

Master Data Identifier Data Type Description
regionId String The environment that the device will be allocated to.
orgId String The OU identifier that the device will be allocated to. How to get orgId >>
modelId String The model ID of the device. You can go to EnOS Management Console > Models to get the model IDs.
privateModel Boolean Specify whether the model is a private model. “true” represents the model is a private model and “false” is not.
timezone String The timezone of the device. Timezone representation >>
deviceName StringI18N The name of the device. Internationalized name representation >>
deviceSn String The device serial number. It cannot be duplicated with other devices within a registration group.
assetId String The asset ID in EnOS after the device has been allocated. How to get asset ID >>