Creating and Managing Master Data

After creating a master data group, you can create master data for the group. Master data is not mandatory; it is recommended to create master data only if the device to be onboarded needs to use the reported device attribute or gateway data.

Master data can be divided into the following two types based on the sources:

  • Built-in master data: master data that is pre-created in Device Provisioning Service and is universal in all OUs.
  • Newly created master data: master data that is manually created on page and is applicable in the current OU.

If you need to request device master data using Device Provisioning Service APIs, ensure that the master data is either built-in or has been created on page.

This article shows how to create and manage the device master data.


  • Ensure that you have registered a personal or business account with EnOS to access the EnOS Management Console.
  • Ensure the account has all the access for Asset and Model, and full access for Device Management Service. For more information, see Policies, Roles, and Permissions.
  • Ensure that your OU has purchased the Device Provisioning Service application.

Creating Master Data

  1. Select Device Provisioning Service > Master Data Group Management from the left navigation pane.

  2. Locate the master data group that you wish to create master data for, and click View Details view.

  3. Under Master Data Group Master Data, click Create Master Data.

  4. There are two ways to create master data, either by creating from scratch, or import from templates.

    • Create Custom Master Data

      For this method, only 1 master data can be created at any one time. Master data created from this method can be saved as a template, which can be used when creating master data from templates.

      • Name: Enter a name for the master data. You can click Internationalization lang to enter customized names for different locales. 1 - 64 characters.

      • Identifier: Enter a unique identifier for the master data. 1 - 64 characters.

      • Data Type: Select a data type for the master data. Fields such as Unit, String Length, etc. will appear according to the data type selected for you to fill in.

      • Default Value: Enter a default value for the master data.

      • Required: Select whether this master data is a required field when registering a device in registration group.

      • Tags: Select a key and value from the list of built-in system tags. These tags will determine where the master data will appear.

      • Description: Enter a description for the master data. You can click Internationalization lang to enter customized description for different locales. Max 512 characters.

      • Save as template: Tick the checkbox if you wish the save this master data as a template for future use.


        In order for the master data to appear when registering devices in registration groups, you need to select Yes for Required and select the Tag key as DPS.

    • Import from Template

      Master data that were saved as templates will be listed in the pop-up window. Select one or more templates to create one or more master data at one go.

Successfully created master data will appear in the list under Master Data Group Master Data.

Editing Master Data

  1. Select Device Provisioning Service > Master Data Group Management from the left navigation pane.
  2. Locate the master data group that you wish to edit master data for, and click View Details view.
  3. Under Master Data Group Master Data, locate the master data that you wish to edit, and click View Details view.
  4. All fields except Identifier can be edited. After editing, click OK.

Exporting Master Data

  1. Select Device Provisioning Service > Master Data Group Management from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select the master data you wish to export, and click Export.
  3. Save the generated CSV file to your local directory.

Importing Master Data

  1. Select Device Provisioning Service > Master Data Group Management from the left navigation pane.

  2. Click Import

  3. There are two ways to import master data.

    • By model import: Select a model from the list of public models. The attributes in the selected model will be imported as the master data.
    • By file upload: Upload a CSV file, max 2M.

  4. Click OK.

Successfully imported master data will appear in the list under Master Data Group Master Data.

Deleting Master Data

  1. Select Device Provisioning Service > Master Data Group Management from the left navigation pane.
  2. There are two ways to delete master data.
    • Locate the master data that you wish to delete, and click Delete delete.
    • Select one or more master data that you wish to delete in the list, and click Delete.