Application Scenarios

EnOS Device Provisioning can be applied to the following scenarios.

Plug-and-Play Onboarding

Clients can pre-register device information without having the physical device yet on hand.

Manufacturers can either configure the onboarding information and register the devices, or just configure the onboarding information without registering the devices with the Device Provisioning Service, after which they can burn the device information on the devices. When clients receive the devices, they can just plug-and-play the devices and the devices will be activated upon connection without the need for further information configuration.

QR Code Onboarding

The method of onboarding devices via QR code scanning is suitable for scenarios where much of the device information is found on-site, such as the physical device location. Manufacturers can batch generate QR codes for devices, and clients can easily onboard the devices via QR code and then update the relevant device information remotely. On-site onboarding provides convenience and can allow the easy monitoring of devices by using the batch numbers assigned.

Device Reprovisioning

Reprovisioning is performed when a device, which is already connected to and activated in EnOS, wishes to be re-allocated to another organization unit (OU)/environment, without changing its Group ID, Group Secret, and device serial number.

The need for reprovisioning can arise when the device’s physical location is moved and should be connected to another OU/environment instead for lower latency and lower packet loss. Another possible scenario is when the OU currently connected is down and the device requires a working connection to another OU.

Device Replacement

Devices already connected to EnOS may require a replacement if the current physical device is faulty, or is in need of an upgrade. Current methods require the new device to be re-registered on EnOS, where it is not possible to retain its details in the process. The changing of device details and identification may cause inconvenience to a client, while such methods prove tedious and inefficient.

The Device Provisioning Service can easily replace devices with a new device serial number, device key, and device secret without the need to re-register the devices from scratch, ensuring that there is no break in the device lifecycle process.