How to Get Device Series No.(deviceSn)

  1. Log in to EnOS Management Console, and go to Device Provisioning > Registration Group Management.
  2. Select View Details of the registration group which the device belongs to.
  3. Select Device Information tab, and Device Serial No. is deviceSn, defined manually when the device was registered in the group.

How to Get Device SN(sn)

  1. Log in to EnOS Management Console, and go to Device Provisioning > Registration Group Management.
  2. Select View Details of the registration group which the device belongs to.
  3. Select Device Information tab, and SN is sn, generated automatically by system after the device has been registered in the group.

How to Get Registration Group ID and Secret

  1. Log in to EnOS Management Console, and go to Device Provisioning > Registration Group Management.
  2. Select View Details of the registration group which the device belongs to, and you can see the Group ID and Group Secret.