Unit 3: Reprovisioning the Device

Before reprovisioning the device, you need to ensure that the device has a Not allocated status, and that a model with the same model identifier (model ID) used by the device that you are allocating exists in the new environment/OU that you are allocating the device to.

Step 1: Resetting the Allocation Status

  1. Select Device Provisioning Service > Registration Group Management from the left navigation pane.
  2. Locate the Raspberry Pi Registration Group registration group that you created in Unit 1, and click View Details view.
  3. Click Device Information > Batch Operations.
  4. Select the device and click Reset Allocation Status. Click Confirm in the pop-up window.
  5. The Allocation Status will be changed to Not allocated and there will be no details under Allocated Environment/OU.

Step 2: Create Model in New Environment/OU

  1. Log in to the EnOS Management Console of the environment/OU (which is ppe1/meter_ppe_dev for this tutorial) that you wish to reprovision the device to.
  2. Refer to Step 1 in Quick Start: Plug-and-Play Onboarding for the procedure to create the device model in the new environment/OU.

Step 3: Reprovisioning the Device

Follow the steps in Unit 2: Allocating the Device to reprovision the device to the new environment/OU. Remember to change the environment/OU when allocating to the new environment/OU.


The device’s Allocation Status will change from Not allocated to Allocated, and the Allocated Environment/OU will reflect the environment/OU that was chosen above.


The device will also appear in the list of devices under the specified environment/OU in Device Management > Device Assets with a new asset ID, product key, and device secret.
