Reporting Attributes, Measure points and Events to EnOS

Devices connected to EnOS through CoAP can report attribute values, measurement points, and events to EnOS. The process is shown below.


The data transmitted by the low-power devices connected via CoAP are often binary. These data can be passed through to EnOS and then converted to the EnOS-defined JSON format by using the parsing script.

When a device is connected to EnOS via CoAP, the topic specifications are consistent with those of MQTT. For more information about the request data formats, response data formats, and parameter descriptions for upstream messages, see Report Device Events​ (Passthrough).

In addition to the payload defined by EnOS device protocol specifications, the response also includes CoAP return codes. The structure of return codes and response data are given as per the below.

Code: return code defined by CoAP protocol
Payload: {ResponsePayload}

Return Code
Return Code Definition Payload Description
2.04 Changed Response data supported by EnOS Correct request.
4.00 Bad Request None Payload sent by the request is illegal.
4.01 Unauthorized None Unauthorized request.
4.03 Forbidden None Forbidden request.
4.04 Not Found None The path requested does not exist.
4.05 Method Not Allowed None Request method is illegal.
5.00 Internal Server Error None EnOS internal error.