Explanation of Fields When Consuming Subscribed Alert Data

You can write the code to consume the alert data after you subscribe to the alert data by referring to the following field descriptions.

  • If you want to consume the data generated by Alert Engine in version 2.2.0, 2.3.0, and 2.4.0, refer to New Version.
    • The HistoryEvent structure is required to consume the basic alert data.
    • The AlertVo structure is required to consume the advanced alert data.
  • If you want to consume the data generated by Alert Engine in version 2.1.0, refer to Old Version and use the HistoryEvent structure.

New Version

HistoryEvent Structure

AlertVo Structure

Field Name Data Type Description
alertId String The alert ID
eventType Integer

0: represents the alert recovery,which is triggered by alert rule (History alerts)

1: represents the alert starts,which is triggered by alert rule (Active alerts)

2: represents the alert recovery,which is created by interface (History alerts)

3: represents the alert starts,which is created by interface (Active alerts)

4: represents the discrete alerts(History alerts)

5: represents the disordered alerts (dataSource alerts)

Only 2, 3, and 4 are allowed to be entered in the Create Alert interface

dataSource String The data source of the alert. For example, model_measurepoint represents the measurement point,device_status represents the device status,model_event represents event
orgId String The organization ID which the asset belongs to
instanceId String The entity of the alert. Currently only support asset and its value is assetId
metricId String The ID of the original metric data
occurTime Long The time when the alert occurred, expressed in UTC time. For example, 1555468200000
localOccurTime String The time when the alert occurred, expressed in local time. For example, 2020-12-12 00:00:00
recoverTime Long The time for the abnormal condition that triggered the alert to return to normal, expressed in UTC time. For example, 1555468200000
localRecoverTime String The time for the abnormal condition that triggered the alert to return to normal, expressed in local time. For example, 2020-12-12 00:00:00
recoverReason String The reason for the recovery of abnormal conditions
value String The metric value when the alert was generated. For advanced alert functions such as multi-measurement point alerts or timing alerts, use the value of the metric corresponding to the alert generated
metricTags Map<String, String>

The tags for raw metric data. The tag for Key and Value is String

Different businesses/systems have different raw metrics and define different tags. EnOS has the following standard tags that may appear in metricTags, among them, tags with __ prefix and suffix are generic keys, and those without __ are business-related keys.


__timezone__: Timezone

__instance__: instanceId

__metric__: metricId

__alias__: The alias of the metricId

modelIdPath: Model Path

modelId: modelId

assetTreePath: Asset Tree Pass

assetTreePath_${treeId}: Specify the asset tree for treeId


severityId String The ID of the alert severity
severityDesc StringI18n Description of the alert severity. See the sub-object internationalized name structure below for structure reference.
typeId String The ID of the alert type
typeDesc StringI18n Description of the alert type. See the sub-object internationalized name structure below for structure reference.
parentTypeId String The ID of the alert parent type
parentTypeDesc StringI18n Description of the alert parent type. See the sub-object internationalized name structure below for structure reference.
contentId String The ID of the alert content (Only basic alerts are included)
content StringI18n The content of the alert. See the sub-object internationalized name structure below for structure reference.
ruleId String The ID of the alert rule
ruleDesc StringI18n Description of the alert rule. See the sub-object internationalized name structure below for structure reference.
ruleTags Map(Key 为 String,Value 为 String) Tags on alert rules
tags Map(Key 为 String,Value 为 String) Tags, only full updates are supported
isInhibited Boolean

true:represents blocked

false:represents unblocked

maskedBy List<String> The ID of the root alert (Which alerts blocked the alerts)
createTime Long The creation time of the alert
updateTime Long The update time of the alert
ability int

0 represents basic

1 represents advance

Old Version

HistoryEvent Structure

Field Name Data Type Description
eventId String The ID of the alert
orgId String The organization ID which the asset belongs to
deviceId String The ID of the asset
modelId String The model ID which the asset belongs to
modelIdPath String The path which the model belongs to
pointId String The measurement points of assets
deviceStatus String The device status
hitRuleId Integer The rule ID of the triggered alert
value Object The value of the measurement point. If triggeringDelayTimer is specified in the alert rule, the value of the measurement point is the value when triggeringDelayTimer starts timing
time Long The time when the alert occurred. For example, 1555468200000
localTime Long The time when the alert occurred, expressed in local time. For example, 1555468200000
severityId Integer The ID of the alert severity
severityDesc StringI18n Description of the alert severity
typeId Integer The ID of the alert type
typeDesc StringI18n Description of the alert type
subTypeId Integer The subtype of the alert
subTypeDesc StringI18n Description of the alert subtype
contentId Integer The ID of the alert content
contentDesc StringI18n Description of the alert content
eventType Integer

0: represents the alert recovery event, other value: represents the ordinary events

1: represents the alert event

2: represents the recovery event generated by interface

3: represents the alert event generated by interface

ruleTag Map(Key is String,Value is String) The tag on the alert rule
ruleDesc StringI18n Description of the alert rule
assetPath List<String> The tree pass list of the asset that generated the alert. Return format: [“treeId1:/assetId1/assetId2/assetIdx”, “treeId2:/assetId3/assetIdx”]
maskedBy List<String> The alert that block this alert. If this alert is the derived alert, returns the root alert information that caused the alert to be blocked. Return format: [“treeId1:eventId1”, “treeId1:eventId2”]
createTime Long The generate time of the alert record,expressed in UTC time. For example: 1555468200000
updateTime Long The update time of the alert record,expressed in UTC time. For example: 1555468200000
recoverTime Long The time for the abnormal condition that triggered the alert to return to normal, expressed in UTC time. For example: 1555468200000
recoverLocalTime Long The time for the abnormal condition that triggered the alert to return to normal, expressed in local time. For example: 1555468200000
recoverReason String The reason for the recovery of abnormal conditions

Sub-Object Field Description

Sub-Object Internationalized Name Structure

Field Name Data Type Description
defaultValue String The default name
i18nValue Map<String, String> The name under each Locale,key is locale,value is the name under each locale

The defaultValue refers to the name that should be used when the locale is not specified in i18nValue. The locale format follows the Unicode locale identifier, such as “en_US”. For more information, see https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-55/tr35.html#BCP_47_Language_Tag_Conversion.